Friant Power Project: Design and Construction?Non-Federal Power at a Reclamation Facility
Friant Dam, Millerton Reservoir, provides the principal water supply for the Friant Division Central Valley Project of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation (Bureau). The dam is a 319-foot high...

Construction of Yellowtail Dam & Power Plant 63-65
The Yellowtail Unit of the Missouri River Basin project is located on the Bighorn River in south central Montana. The key feature of the unit is Yellowtail Dam which rises 525 ft. between...

Micro PAT-Synchronous Generator Unit for Isolated Power Supply at Sultan Project Dam
The paper describes a unique application of a micro-PAT Unit installation utilizing downstream release flows for providing an isolated power supply at the Jackson (Sultan) dam in Washington...

Retrofitting Outlet Works of Existing Dams for Hydropower
This paper deals with three small hydroelectric plants installed at existing dams in California with moderately high heads (about 200 feet). In each case there was an overriding need to...

Power Development at Buffalo Bill Dam
Buffalo Bill Dam is on the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming near the city of Cody. The dam is a 325-foot-high concrete arch facility with a crest length of 200 feet. The dam was...

Hoover Dam Planning, Financing and Repayment
After the original conception of the 'Boulder Canyon Project,' and in the first stage of the work, complete designs and specifications were prepared for the dam,...

A Cost-Sharing Alternative for Federal-Private Water Projects
A proposed cost-sharing alternative for financing of a joint Federal-State multipurpose water project is presented. The philosophy of recent and present Federal administrations on non-Federal...

Eminent Domain Under the Federal Power Act: Use by Private Developers to Acquire Small Sites
From the first reported case in 1922 (Alabama Power Co. v. Gulf Power Co. , 283 F. 606 (D. Ala. 1922)), through 1982 (Greenup County By and Through Ousley v. Utilities Comm'n...

The PowerBarge?Portable Hydro for the Third World
The PowerBarge concept consists of a floating intake, siphon penstock, and floating generating station for use at new or existing low-head dams. Apart from access, mooring facilities,...

Hoover Dam Plus Fifty Years Equals El Cajon Dam
The completion of El Cajon arch dam on the fiftieth anniversary of the completion of Hoover Dam has given the opportunity to compare design and construction of two concrete arch dams constructed...

Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential of Anderson Ranch Dam
This paper contains a description of a liquefaction evaluation of the alluvial foundation soils at Anderson Ranch Dam, which was performed as part of the USBR's program of...

Hoover Dam Earthquakes Reconsidered
In 1936 and 1937 as the water rose behind Hoover Dam, earthquakes were felt in the Boulder City area and as far away as Las Vegas. Interest in induced seismicity was renewed in 1967 with...

Arch Dams for Small Hydroelectric Sites
Approximate formulas are developed for the design of small arch dams. These designs, although conservative, frequently allow for economies over other dam types. Considered are: an approximate...

Thermal Monitoring of Leakage Through Dams
The technique involves very accurate temperature measurement at shallow depth below the reach of the surface diurnal cycle. Temperatures respond to subsurface water movement (with advective...

Changing Stability Criteria: Effect on Older Dams
Many of the dams on the Georgia Power Company system were designed and constructed in the early 1900's. Changes that have occurred in stability criteria since construction...

Dam Safety Rehabilitation at Selected TVA Hydroelectric Projects
In response to President Carter's 1976 memorandum to all Federal agencies with responsibility for dams to develop and implement formal guidelines for dam safety, TVA restructured...

An Overview of Hoover Dam Tunnel Spillway Damage
The Hoover Dam tunnel spillways have provided the Bureau of Reclamation hydraulic laboratories with new and continued opportunities for applied research. During the peak years of the Boulder...

Dam Safety Relating to Merwin and Yale Hydroelectric Projects
This paper describes the safety investigations performed to evaluate the dams, associated with the Merwin and Yale Hydroelectric Projects, for the effects of severe floods and earthquakes....

Safety of Dams Activities in the Bureau of Reclamation Lower Colorado Region
In the Lower Colorado Region of the Bureau of Reclamation (BuRec), there are presently eight BuRec dams and one Bureau of Indian Affairs dam being modified or studied for modification...

Conversion Experience at the Chief Joseph Dam Project
In August, 1983, Woodward Governor Company was awarded U. S. Army Corps of Engineers contract DACW67-83-C-0076 to convert ten existing Allis-Chalmers and six existing Woodward Governor...





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