Power Development at Buffalo Bill Dam

by Lowell D. Pimley, US Bureau of Reclamation, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Waterpower '85


Buffalo Bill Dam is on the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming near the city of Cody. The dam is a 325-foot-high concrete arch facility with a crest length of 200 feet. The dam was constructed between 1905 and 1910. Designs are currently being developed to increase the storage capacity of the reservoir and to increase the hydroelectric power generation capacity at the dam by raising the dam crest, modifying the existing waterways, constructing new tunnels, rehabilitating an existing powerplant, and constructing two new powerplants.

Subject Headings: Concrete dams | Arch dams | Power plants | Hydro power | Reservoirs | Dams | Construction management | Wyoming | United States

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