Recent Developments in Composite Bridge Building in Germany
In the 1980s a movement started to build composite bridges with reinforced concrete slabs and to renounce to prestress them in one or both directions. This type of bridge is advantageous...

Database for Pipeline Bridges in North America
Work began in 1985 at Wayne State University on a research study of pipeline suspension bridges. This effort, which was funded by ANR Pipeline Company of Detroit, Michigan, investigated...

BMS Modelling of Bridge Stock Performance
A computer-based Bridge Management System, BMS, was designed in Finland by the Finnish National Road Administration (FinnRA) to assist in high level bridge policy, long-term planning and...

Level of Service in Bridge Management Systems
The Federal Highway Administration's Sufficiency Rating is not adequate for evaluating bridges. It ignores fundamental bridge characteristics and is far too subjective. The Level of Service...

Bridge Management System Implemented in Thailand
The latest ten years' economic growth in Thailand and the associated increase in roadway and railway traffic has exposed the existing bridge structures as bottlenecks of these transportation...

A GIS-Based Rail Infrastructure Management System
Computer-based models and analytical techniques are powerful components of infrastructure management systems. However, the availability of data sets significantly affects the usefulness...

Coordination of ISTEA?1991 Management Systems
Following the successful development and implementation of pavement management concepts, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) contains the provision that...

Controlling Corrosion in Bridge Structures
The overall objectives of the Structures Research Area of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) were to provide methods to protect chloride-contaminated concrete components against...

Concrete Bridge Protection Repair & Rehabilitation
A methodology for the selection of cost effective solution(s) to the protection, repair, and rehabilitation of concrete bridges in chloride-laden environments is presented. The methodology...

Selecting Bridge Protection and Rehabilitation Options
This paper describes a recently developed procedure for use by bridge engineers making protection or rehabilitation decisions for concrete bridges. The methodology determines the most...

Cathodic Protection for Protecting Prestressed Concrete
Due to the good effect of corrosion protection of reinforcing steel bars, even in concrete highly chloride contaminated, cathodic protection for concrete structure now carried out as a...

Influence of Lateral Wind on Driving on Offshore Bridge
The Honshu-Shikoku Bridges are a system of highways crossing over the sea, where cross-winds variously affect vehicle behaviour. This is the intermediate report on the surveys aimed at...

The Pontis Bridge Management System
A committee of the Federal Highway Administration and six of the United States has completed a network-level bridge management system, called Pontis, to optimize budgets and programs for...

Rehabilitation/Upgrading of Under-Rated or Deteriorating Single or Multi-Span Structures Using Corrugated Steel Pipe, Tunnel Liner Plate or Structural Plate
This paper cites advantages of the rehabilitation/upgrading of under-rated or deteriorating culverts or bridges using corrugated steel pipe, tunnel liner plate or structural plate. Among...

Plastic Potential
Some 220,000 tons of epoxy-coated steel has been used in the construction of bridge decks since 1987, but some have raised questions about its long-term durability. New materials for prestressing...

Quality Control: Bridge Steel Fabrication and Erection
This paper examines the Quality Control Program Plan (QCPP) developed by Frederic R. Harris, Inc. (FRH) for fabrication and erection inspection of over 5,448,000 kg of AASHTO Fracture...

Hassle-Free Bridge Rehab
Engineers involved in Cleveland's Main Bridge rehab invoked whatever was necessary to keep area traffic moving and the bridge closure period to a minimum. They helped change...

In Search of Better Load Ratings
Typically, engineers must make a number of subjective assumptions regarding loading and response behavior when they develop a load rating for civil structures. As a result, many unknowns...

LRFD for Timber Structures
The use of load and resistance design (LRFD) methodologies is increasingly becoming the standard analysis procedure for engineering design. The concrete industry has used a variation of...

Lateral Loading Curves from Pressuremeter Tests
The large drilled shafts for the proposed Klamath Falls Bridge, which are to be founded in diatomaceous silts, were to be designed to withstand earthquake induced large cyclic loading....





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