Risk Analysis for Ship-Bridge Collisions
The authors have developed a propriety software package which has been successfully used to perform risk analyses for several high-level bridge structures across major waterways in coastal...

New Orleans Flood Gates Hydraulic Model Study
A hydraulic model study was conducted to evaluate the forces exerted on selected floodgates by flowing water as the gates are closed after flooding has begun. The results of the study...

The World's First Hydrorama
The concept of HYDRORAMA exceeds conventional museum-like operations. It includes hotel/motel accommodation, academic courses organized by world-round university sources, permanent expositions...

Local Financing for Beach Nourishment at Captiva Island, Florida
About 200 miles of the 780 miles of recreational beach in Florida are in a critical state of erosion. Local financing of beach restoration offers a viable funding alternative for communities...

Improvement and Construction of Coastal Fishing Grounds in Japan
Development of coastal fishery has become one of the most important issue in the field of food supply. Basically, in order to promote coastal fishery, it is necessary to increase marine...

Roles of Fishing Ports in Local Areas of Japan
In Japan, the utilization of the sea especially in coastal zone has been increased and this tendency will continue in future, because activities on the coastal zone in local areas will...

The Redevelopment of Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California
The San Francisco Port Commission is desirous to upgrade the wharf area to revitalize the fishing fleet. The key element for such redevelopment would be a breakwater to protect the berthing...

Fisheries Planning for Northern Territory, Australia
On behalf of Northern Territory Government the consultants have studied the potential for development and reviewed the present infrastructure. Opportunities as well as constraints to development...

Hurricane Diana: Impact on Coastal Development
Hurricane Diana affected the coast of North Carolina during the period of September 11-14, 1984. Builders, designers, building officials and insurance adjusters responded to a written...

Waterfront Projects and the N.J. Green Acres Program
Under the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the Green Acres program has been at the forefront of the state's commitment to open up its beaches as well as...

A Study of Selected Environmental Parameters of Small Coastal Lagoons as a Function of Extent of Urban Development, Hydraulics of the Tidal Inlet, and Hydrology of the Contributing Drainage Area
In coastal areas many small brackish water lagoons or embayments connected to the sea by small tidal inlets are at tractive to residential and commercial developers, especially those emphasizing...

Recent Developments
The Foothills Project has been under consideration by the Denver Board of Water Commissions for many years. It is one of the major steps in the continued efforts of the Board to provide...

Micro-CAD Systems: A Dream Come True
Computer-aided design and drafting systems that run on inexpensive microcomputers are examined. Several major systems (products) are covered via the users point of view. Many small civil...

Get Involved with Cladding Design
Structural engineers should get involved with cladding design for their buildings. Including disclaimers for responsibility in the design contract will not prevent trouble or lawsuits,...

Bridging Twin Ports
The Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge, part of U. S. Highway 2, connects harbors at Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wisc. The new highway link was designed to relieve congestion on nearby...

Who Should Design Bridges?
For many years Design-Build-Proposals have been common practice in Europe (except in the UK). Structures in these countries are 20% more economical than similar projects in the U. S.,...

Metal and Plastic Pipelines: Design and Construction Aspects
This paper discusses design and construction aspects of four cross-country pipelines that were built in central Alberta, Canada during 1982-1983. The first two pipelines, carrying different...

SPIDA: An Analysis and Design System for Buried Concrete Pipe
The paper presents a description of a new computerized direct design method for buried concrete pipe named SPIDA (Soil-Pipe Interaction Design and Analysis). Also the technical basis and...

The Relative Strain as a Design Criterion for Buried uPVC Gravity Sewer Pipes
When designing buried plastic sewer pipes, the relative strain caused by deflection of the circular pipe section is of particular interest. The reason for increased interest is the present...

Strains Induced by Combined Loading in Buried Pressurized Fiberglass Pipe
In 1983 Owens Corning Fiberglas and Utah State University collaborated on a study of combined strain behavior of fiberglass pipe to quantify the bending strain reduction as a function...





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