Stewardship 87
Stewardship 87 provides new linkages between land users, public agencies and the non-profit sector. It creates a totally new rapport between local governments (dependent upon ad valorem...

The Identification of Common Resource Management Needs as a Basis for Barrier Island Research Programs
This paper demonstrates the need for a broad, centrally focussed barrier island research program by conducting a systematic analysis of the resource management needs of the Atlantic and...

The Bering Sea Maritime Delimitation Dispute
A treaty forged in friendship is now the subject of dispute between two rival superpowers. The 1867 Convention Treaty in which Russia ceded Northwestern America to the United States for...

Territorial Sea Management by the State of Oregon
The institutional capability of the State of Oregon to manage the territorial sea under its jurisdiction recently was examined by the authors. Oil and gas development, marine mineral mining,...

The EEZ: Potential and Problems for Ocean Management
The emergence of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) represents the culmination of efforts to devise a transitional zone between the territorial sea, in which the coastal state has sovereignty...

Canada's Policy for National Marine Parks
The paper reviews some of the unique characteristics of marine ecosystems that demand management considerations distinct from those applied to terrestrial ones. The second part presents...

Marine Protected Areas and Customary Rights
Customary rights and their importance to the establishment and management of coastal and protected marine areas has emerged as an issue of universal concern. Local involvement in the planning...

Marine Park Planning in the Third World Haiti Case Study
World-wide stability can be, in part, achieved by the creation of marine parks and other protected areas, particularly in third world countries, since marine protected areas help to conserve...

The Role of Marine Parks Management in the Conservation of Philippine Coastal Resources
The government, recognizing the need to conserve coastal resources, created in 1977 the Marine Park Inter-Agency Task Force to prepare and supervise the implementation of a master plan...

Common Priorities for Managing Marine Protected Areas: Results from an International Seminar
In 1986, representatives from 22 countries participated in the International Marine Protected Area Management Seminar. The Seminar provided an opportunity to identify and discuss major...

The International Network: A Solution for Marine Protected Area Management
The Marine and Estuarine Management Division in cooperation with the U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program and other international organizations sponsored the International Marine Protected...

Enhancing Diked Wetlands in Coastal California
Significant areas of wetland in coastal California are diked off from full tidal action. These areas retain considerable value as wetland, and their management and enhancement present...

Background to Petroleum Development in Santa Barbara County
This discussion introduces several papers which examine solutions to challenges posed to local agencies by ongoing development of offshore petroleum resources. Innovative solutions have...

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Regulatory Program in Alaskan Coastal Areas
The Alaska District Regulatory Program has jurisdiction for the entire State of Alaska. There are more than 54,716 kilometers (34,000 miles) of coastline and numerous inland waterways...

Informal Regulatory Consultations: Greasing the Skids
Companies considering major coastal zone construction projects should conduct informal consultations with appropriate regulatory and resource management agencies early in the planning...

Water Use Zoning: Is It a Solution for Resolving Coastal Water Use Conflicts?
In the last few years, North Carolina's coastal area has witnessed unprecedented growth. This paper focuses on selected conflicts associated with recreational and other economic...

A Primer on Permit Conditioning
The use, development, and protection of coastal, ocean, and marine resources is highly dependent on the various permits issued by local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Thousands...

Application of an Ecosystem/Water Quality Model as a Tool for Managing Estuarine Water Quality
A laterally averaged two-dimensional computer model was developed to simulate the hydrodynamics, transport, and ecosystem dynamics of Budd Inlet, a small partially mixed estuary located...

Changes in Development Design Along California's Coast as a Result of California's Coastal Program 1973 to 1987
California's coastal program has attempted to encourage and, where necessary, require designs which take into account a proposed development's immediate and surrounding...

The Massachusetts CZM Project Review Process
In 1978 the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program (MCZMP) became the first CZM program on the East Coast to be approved by the U. S. Department of Commerce and is now in its ninth...





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