Marine Protected Areas and Customary Rights

by William J. Thomas, Marine & Estuarine Management, Div, Washington, DC, USA,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Coastal Zone '87


Customary rights and their importance to the establishment and management of coastal and protected marine areas has emerged as an issue of universal concern. Local involvement in the planning process is vital to the acceptance and success of the protected area. This paper cites the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary as an example of the applicability of a specific resource management program to the coordination and enhancement of marine resource protection while preserving the customary rights of the American Samoan culture. Many of the themes brought out in this paper are universal to the basic theme of customary rights.

Subject Headings: Aquatic habitats | Coastal management | Resource management | Bays | Wildlife | Urban and regional development | Public opinion and participation

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