Automatic Vehicle Classification System
China has recently completed a number of freeways, all of which were financed in part by the Ministry of Communications and local governments and in part by loans from the World Bank,...

SINOD?A Location Reference Tool for Road Information Systems
This paper focuses on the setting up of a location reference system - named SINOD - envisaged as a basic requirement for on going actions and for expected developments in the field of...

Heavy Traffic Control Measurement Techniques and Control Strategies
Advanced technologies for traffic detection for freeway control systems are described. mm-wave radar detectors are used with a correlation of vehicle reflexion patterns to acquire section...

Perception and Control for Automated Pavement Crack Sealing
Pavement maintenance is a major transportation engineering activity that has seen only partial mechanization and virtually no automation. Crack sealing is a typical maintenance task in...

Highway Pavement Surfaces Reconstruction by Moire Interferometry
The necessary basis for any cost-effective highway and bridge deck pavement management program is reliable, complete and up-to-date information concerning the state of pavement surface....

Fully-Distributed Control of Signal Networks
A fully-distributed real-time control strategy is described for signalized networks. The signals make compatible, simultaneous decisions about cycle length, offset and splits, without...

Cars: A Demand-Responsive Traffic Control System
This paper presents a demand responsive traffic control system for networks based on improvements from a combination of OPAC and ACTS approaches. The system has shown clear advantages...

Testing and Feasibility of VIPS for Traffic Detection
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has asked the California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) at San Luis Obispo to investigate the effectiveness of existing...

Incident Detection Through Video Image Processing
A machine vision system for vehicle detection and traffic parameter extraction (called AUTOSCOPE) was recently developed at the University of Minnesota. Its advantages lie in its multispot...

Traffic Queue Detection Using Image-Processing
A method of queue/congestion detection is described using low cost image processing and computing hardware. It is capable of processing data from a length of roadway within a few seconds,...

Report of the DEVLONICS Video Based Traffic Detector Systems (DRS-CCATS/DTMSA)
In traffic monitoring systems many detectors are in widespread use to provide the necessary information. Image and video processing is one of the most defiant newcoming technologies in...

Stereo Vision with Scan-Line Cameras for Intrusion Detection on L.R.T. Tracks
In this paper we present a new method for the detection of intrusions by means of stereo vision in order to infer 3D information from two linear sensors. This method can be used for security...

A Dynamic Modelling Framework of Real-Time Guidance Systems in General Urban Traffic Networks
There is considerable interest around the world in developing and implementing realtime driver information and/or guidance systems to reduce congestion in the urban traffic networks. However...

Routing Based on Anticipated Travel Times
The routing of drivers based on anticipated as well as instantaneous link travel times has presented route guidance system developers with an opportunity to achieve additional IVHS benefits...

Two Approaches for Characterizing Images of Rail Surface Flaws
Rail surface flaws can be removed by grinding to improve the life of rail and provide a safe, smooth running surface. To avoid time consuming and costly visual inspection in the determination...

Computer Simulation and Disposition in Railway
The paper describes simulation package on high capacity personal computer. Sofware package PC-SIMU simulates extremely accurately the movement of trains within the region of the line suitable...

CADD?Database Application for Facility Inspections
In 1989, the Sverdrup Corporation was hired to perform the Comprehensive Inspection of the Queens-Midtown and Brooklyn-Battery tunnels in New York City. From the onset of the project it...

Automated Analysis of Pavement Distress Data
A system model that can be used for the analysis of pavement distress data collected by various visual devices (e.g. photographic film) is presented. The models operate at two levels:...

Pavement Image Processing Using Neural Networks
This paper discusses the potential for employing neural network models in the pavement image interpretation and classification stage of an automated pavement condition evaluation system....

An Application of Expert Systems to Traffic Signal Control
Signal Control at Isolated Intersections (SCII) has been developed to emulate an adaptive controller using AI technology. It is an application of expert systems to the real-time traffic...





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