The Army Aviation Team from a Military Civil Engineer's Perspective
The Technical Session for which this paper is written is 'Airfield Pavements - A Team Effort.' As such, the emphasis on this paper is the United States Army Aviation Team, and not the...
New Seoul Metropolitan Airport
The New Seoul Metropolitan Airport (NSMA), to be built on a man-made island near Seoul, Korea, will have access to the city by bridge, rail, and dedicated freeway. When completed, NSMA...
Opportunities for Fixed Rail Service to Airports
With the increase in air passenger traffic and related ground access congestion many cities are examining potential links between regional transit systems and their airports. A working...
Baggage System Implementation at DIA
BAE Automated Systems is currently under contract to supply the complete, Integrated Automated Baggage Handling System (IABHS) for the New Denver International Airport. The system represents...
The Foundation for a Successful Traffic Impact Analysis
Both governmental agencies and private developers use the information developed in a traffic impact analysis (TIA).Traffic Impact Studies can be an important tool in efforts to maintain...
Analyzing Fast-Food Drive-Up Window Site Impacts
Peak-period queueing at a fast-food restaurant drive-up window was observed. The study found that queueing behavior equations based on random arrivals and service times overestimated the...
ICU?A Method of Analyzing Signalized Intersections
There is a need for decision makers, developers and the public to understand the potential traffic impacts of site development. Signalized intersection operations are a primary indicator...
Hotel-Casino Trip Generation Analysis Using GIS
Trip rates and models for developments such as resorts and major hotels are commonly based on a single explanatory factor or an activity unit such as floor area, number of employees, number...
The Isolated Signalized Intersection as a Mitigation on a High-Speed Highway
A concentrated 'leap-frog' type development is commonly proposed as it offers the opportunity to organize an extensive living-recreation orientated site with low to modest land costs....
Commuter Infiltration, The Unaddressed Issue
Traffic Impact Reports usually assign project-related traffic only to the adjacent collector and arterial highways. Usually the reports do not attempt to address possible commuter infiltration...
Arizona's Uniform Traffic Impact Procedures
This paper discusses the development of policies and detailed uniform guidelines for traffic impact analysis of proposed developments along Arizona State highways. The paper addresses:...
Uniform Traffic Impact Assessment Studies?A Case History of Riverside County, California
A publication was issued by the Transportation Department of Riverside County, California, in December of 1989 which required all traffic impact studies performed for new development to...
Using Traffic Network Models to Assess Site Impact Traffic
This paper covers experience gained in using traffic network models as a site traffic analysis tool, including problems encountered in developing an appropriate zone system and coded highway...
Computerized Transportation Planning Models for Site Impact Analysis: Precision or Complexity?
Computer based travel forecasting models are now being widely used in the analysis of the traffic impacts of proposed developments. They are commonly used to identify improvements needed...
Shouldn't it be
A Traffic Impact Assessment is a single mode analytical tool that is used to evaluate new development proposals. Its use continues at a time when the transportation community is being...
Major Public Transportation Investments as Development Projects: Old Colony Railroad
In 1988, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation and construction (EOTC) developed a set of guidelines for traffic studies in conjunction with the state's environmental review...
Urban Transportation Management?Jersey City, New Jersey
This paper will describe the multi-year process undertaken to implement physical roadway improvements and transportation management policies in a constrained urban environment. Specifically...
Colgate Palmolive Transportation Impact Case Study
The Colgate Palmolive Company owns eleven city blocks of land in the Exchange Place area of downtown Jersey City, New Jersey. Colgate Palmolive operated manufacturing facilities on their...
Transportation Management in the Anacostia Waterfront Washington, D.C.
The Anacostia Waterfront is a 500 acre land mass located approximately one-half mile from the U.S. Capitol. This area includes a U.S. Army facility (Ft. McNair), a U.S. Navy facility (the...
Corridor Planning and Traffic Assessment: Small Sites and Neighborhoods
Determining the appropriate use of a piece of property, or the uses for larger land areas in a portion of a city, requires consideration of many facts. A recently completaed project was...
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