Modern Methods for Automatic FE Mesh Generation
An overview of the various Finite Element mesh generation techniques is presented. Since most automatic FE Mesh Generation techniques read in geometry of the object and create meshes on...
Automating Three-Dimensional Finite Element Mesh Generation
A number of important advances and contributions to the topic of computer aided finite element mesh generation have been made by the Mathematics Department at the General Motors Research...
The Origin, Training, Evaluation and Status of Construction Inspectors
Inspection of construction is mandated by law. Design engineers cannot disclaim their responsibility for construction inspection by citing self-serving language in the contract documents....
Excellence in Inspection
Excellence in inspection starts with proper interpretation of specifications and drawings. There exists a void between the design team and the field people which must be bridged in order...
The Broad Spectrum of CM Services
The Construction Management system has developed to the point where all Construction Management tools are available to the industry. These tools fall into the general categories of computer...
CM Certification and Registration
As currently practiced, the construction management system involves a team of the owner, design professional, and construction manager. The peer relationship to team members, nature of...
A Review of Current Contract Documents
Three separate industry groups have published contract documents to be used with the construction management project delivery system. The documents parallel each other in certain respects,...
Requirements of a High Technology Owner
The requirements of a high technology owner are best represented by a set of expectations and goals that are needed to achieve a certain business plan. There are extreme time pressures...
Structural Engineering for High Technology Clients
The unique requirements of the high tech industry provide interesting and fascinating challenges to the structural engineer of the 1980's. The following is a list of the most...
Design of High-Technology Facilities from the Vibration Standpoint
High-technology facilities, such as those used for the production of integrated circuits or for optics research, generally require extremely limited vibration environments. Suitable precautions...
Hydrologic Modeling Using Radar-Rainfall Imagery
A flash flood forecasting system is being developed which has three main elements: 1) high resolution estimation of rainfall in time and space using radar and ground-based gages; 2) computer...
A Microcomputer Reservoir Decision Model
The paper discusses the development of a dynamic programming model to optimize reservoir operations. Given statistical summaries of inflows, forecasts of near-term inflows, and cost statements...
Water System Data Base for Naples, Florida
Boyle Engineering Corporation has developed a comprehensive database technique using its Intergraph Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) system to assist in the computer modeling...
Hydrologic Simulation for Reservoir Development
Potential changes in the Manasquan River basin hydrologic budget were assessed with the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran (HSPF). The HSPF results were used to assess the reliability...
PC-RUNOFF and dBASE III for Stormwater Data Management, Planning and Design
A version of the RUNOFF Block of the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) has been extensively revised for the Microcomputer Stormwater Simulation Manager (MSSM). In addition, PRERUN, a...
Interactive Modeling and Display of Spatial and Time Varying Phenomena Using CAPLIB7
This paper describes some of the software being used at Cornell University to aid the development of tools for modeling phenomena having both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such models...
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Highrise Buildings on Microcomputers
The author's experience in conducting static and dynamic analyses of three-dimensional multistory buildings on microcomputers using the tier building model and the method...
Intrinsic Models for Interactive Structural Design
This paper introduces a 'generic' model for interactive design of constructed facilities. The proposed methodology takes real world conditions, in terms of load...
Graphics Based Preliminary Structural Design
During preliminary design, alternative structural configurations are explored and one or more alternatives are selected for further consideration. During analysis, a structural configuration...
Modeling Construction Operations in the Classroom
Students in construction management need to be exposed to the dynamics of the construction site and become familiar with the interaction of resources. In addition, the student needs to...
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