Application of Interactive Videodisc for Work Zone Traffic Control Training
This paper describes the development of the Interactive Videodisc Training (IVT) system and a training course on work zone traffic control. The IVT system uses a microcomputer-controlled...

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new frontiers for microcomputers in transportation. There are AI applications emerging in all areas from planning to maintenance. This paper...

Regional Traffic Assessment for Major Growth
This paper presents the methodology and findings of a major regional transportation analysis. The results of the study lead to the development of a Transportation Improvement Plan for...

A Microcomputer Based Interactive Model for Strategic Land Use -- Transportation Planning
This paper describes a microcomputer based urban activity model, intended as a tool for use by planners to explore impacts of various development scenarios. The model, LUTRAM, is menu...

Integrated Transit Network Analysis
As part of an update of the Boston, Massachusetts regional transit simulation process, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) has implemented a microcomputer-based integrated...

ORNL Light-Duty Vehicles PC System
This data system, designed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), monitors information on every light-duty vehicle (automobiles...

MacIntosh II True-Color Visual Simulation Project: A Proposed Elevated Rail System for Metropolitan Phoenix
Utilizing new high-resolution, 24-bit true-color technology available for the Macintosh II microcomputer, this project enabled professional consultants and the public to visualize a proposed...

An Object-Oriented Strategy for Transportation Model Data
Data transfers between applications which require data from transportation models or inventories is an emerging problem. Recent advancements in software and software design have created...

Focused Model Approach for Corridors and Subareas
A focused modeling approach utilizes calibrated model parameters and inputs from a regional model, yet allows the flexibility to quickly test land use, network and other policy alternatives....

A Comparative Analysis of Microcomputer and Mainframe Computer Based Modeling Systems
This paper presents a comparative analyses of the Microcomputer Compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) performance with its UTPS mainframe computer-based...

A Future for UTPS on Microcomputers
The software and hardware support for Micro-UTPS is in a state of transition. IBM's development of the PS/370 gives mainframe power and performance to microcomputers and Micro-UTPS....

Applying TRANPLAN to Assist Air Quality Impact Analysis
Environmental analysts have been using the plotting capabilities of TRANPLAN, a transportation planning software package, to facilitate the analysis of air quality impacts of the Boston...

Microcomputer Capabilities for Trip Table Estimation and Peak Hour Assignments which Consider Peak Spreading
The microcomputer-based TRANPLAN transportation planning package has been expanded to include a trip table estimation procedure and an equilibrium traffic assignment model which simulates...

Choosing Display Hardware for Transportation Planning Packages
This paper reviews the popular transportation planning software packages on the market and their graphics capabilities. Hardware options that allow the user tp achieve high resolution...

Microcomputer Assisted Transportation Impacts Analysis: Hudson River Waterfront Development
Across the Hudson River from Manhattan, major office and residential developments are occurring on large tracts of former railroad and shipping properties in New Jersey. Much of this development...

The Application of Microcomputers to Site Location Planning for Emergency Services
The paper presents an overview of the application of FIRE-ROUTER, a microcomputer package designed to assist in fire station location planning. Subjects covered include route finding,...

TRAF-EDIT: An Interactive Data Editor for the TRAF Simulation System
This paper describes TRAF-EDIT, an interactive data entry/editing program for the TRAF simulation system. TRAF-EDIT will provide the user with the capability of creating an input data...

An Expert System for the Motivation of Traffic Signals
A case study is presented describing the initiation and development of a prototype knowledge-based system for the motivation of traffic signal control, to be applied within a user-sensitive...

SIGNALEXPERT: An Expert Syste, for Signalized Intersection Analysis and Design
This paper presents a prototype expert system, (SIGNALEXPERT), for signalized intersection analysis and design. The SIGNALEXPERT consists of four modules. The first module determines if...

The Integrated Traffic Data System
Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a microcomputer-based system designed to allow traffic engineers to store, maintain and update traffic network information in a centralized data...





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