Coastal Management and Sea Level Rise in Recife, Brazil
This article presents a review of previous studies about the environment in Recife, the historical development of the city, and the programs currently in progress with regard to coastal...

Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Mitigation Plan
The construction of public works projects within a coastal zone requires the cooperation of all permitting and approval authorities to identify project goals, impacts and alternatives...

Regional Coastal Planning and Regulation: The Cape Cod Experience
In Massachusetts, the entire land and water mass of Cape Cod is within the designated coastal zone. Thus, all federal actions affecting this area must be consistent with the state's...

San Diego Bay Eeelgrass Planting and Mitigation
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts to mitigate for the loss of eelgrass and creation of an eelgrass bank to compensate for possible future losses in San Diego Bay....

Restoration of Coastal Dune Systems in Southern California State Parks
Coastal dune systems in southern California possess little of their historical and biological characteristics. If not completely extirpated by development, then the loss of native plants...

Municipal Harbor Management Plans?A Solution for the 1990's
The concept and application of the Municipal Harbor Management Plan (MHMP) is one borne out of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Program. Harbor management, as a planning 'genre',...

An Evaluation of the Role of Port Administration in Comprehensive Planning and Management of the Canadian Coast?The Example of Vancouver
The current institutional approach adopted to plan and regulate developments in Canada's major ports is assessed. To determine the effectiveness of the Canadian approach,...

A New Panama Canal?
Based upon the 1977 treaty between the United States and Panama and an exchange of diplomatic notes among Panama, Japan and United States, a trinational feasibility study is being conducted...

A Zoning Code Revision for Port Development?The Story of East Providence
The City of East Providence evaluated the effectiveness of the City's 30 year old zoning code and revised performance standards in the zoning text in light of possible marine...

Global Climate Change: Institutional and Policy Considerations
This paper briefly describes research in progress by the authors on the institutional and policy considerations of issues related to global climate change. The aim of the research is to...

Vacations in the Sun: Can They Survive the Effects of Global Ozone Depletion?
The impact of elevated levels of ultraviolet on human health is already being reported. With tourism slated to become the economic mainstay in many tropical countries, there is the very...

Integrated Coastal Resources Management in Grumari-Guaratiba-Marambaia Complex, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
It is initially presented a brief physical description of the coastal region in question, which is situated at the eastern end of the Sepetiba Coastal plain on the Southern coast of Rio...

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

A Concise Discussion on Coastal Island Economy Development
Some basic principles to develop coastal island economy has been proposed in this paper on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of coastal island economy, and these principles can...

Rio de Janeiro Coastal Zone Education Program
Researches and studies made by the Department of Oceanography of the Institute of Geoscience of the State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, evidenced the need for educational support...

NOAA's Coastal Ocean Database and FOCOS Program
The NOAA Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction (COAP) was recently formed in Monterey to support collection, distribution, and analysis of marine data for application to coastal ocean...

HF Radar Ocean Surface Mapping in Monterey Bay as a Prototype for California Coastal Environmental Monitoring and Governance
A network of coastal HF radars is being established to provide real-time coverage of ocean surface currents, onshore waves, and ultimately wind fields over Monterey Bay. Data products...

Distribution and Developing Trace of Productive Forces in China Coastal Development Zones
Following the setting up of special economic zones in 1979 and the opening of the 14 coastal port cities in 1984 in China, 14 economic and technological development zones were set up one...

Socio-Environmental Problems Associated with Informal Settlements in the Cape Coastal Zone
This poster paper reports on some of the socio-environmental problems associated with informal settlements in the Cape Coastal Zone in South Africa. Reasons for settling specifically in...

Public Access Evolution Long Beach, California, Coastline
Historic Long Beach was built around the beachfront. Public access to this popular coastal resort was provided in many ways. The downtown has undergone a renaissance of that former regional...





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