Evacuation Modeling Near a Chemical Stockpile Site
Dynamic evacuation modeling was used as an aid in emergency response planning by Tooele County, Utah, location of the United States' largest stockpile of unitary chemical weapons, The...

Solid Waste Travel Demand Model Using GIS and Simulation for Evaluating Site Impacts
This study accomplishes two objectives: (1) develops a model to forecast future household travel demands for a given solid waste site in Fairbanks, Alaska and (2) develops precursory techniques...

Corridor Planning and Traffic Assessment: Small Sites and Neighborhoods
Determining the appropriate use of a piece of property, or the uses for larger land areas in a portion of a city, requires consideration of many facts. A recently completaed project was...

Defining Traffic Impacts of Redevelopment
Developers have proposed to replace the existing, defunct Old Mill Specialty Retail Center with a primarily residential project. The balance of the Old Mill site will consist of smaller...

Traffic Impact Study Ingredients
The elements, information sources, and format appropriate for traffic impact studies are described. The types of traffic impact studies discussed include regional modeling studies, municipal-wide...

Circulation Issues and Impacts?Corridor Redevelopment Santa Ana, CA?A Case Study
The Bristol Street Corridor Plan provides the framework for future redevelopment of a 3.0-mile section of the Bristol Street corridor in the central portion of the City of Santa Ana, California....

Development Impact Assessment with Transportation Models
The use of microcomputers in urban transportation modeling is having a major impact on the traffic engineering and planning profession. Between the late 1950's and early 1980's, most modelling...

Three-Dimensional Eulerian-Lagrangian Transport Model
An Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm, based on operator-splitting techniques has been formulated for the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. This combines the advantage of a fixed...

3-D Particle Tracking for the New York Bight
This paper describes the development and testing of a three-dimensional particle tracking model for the New York Bight. A number of particle tracking options have been developed to predict...

An Experimental Model Using a Graphical User Interface
This paper describes a program named Plume which runs on a microcomputer. The intended function of the program is to enhance an investigator's understanding of the estuarine environment...

Techniques for Visualization of Estuarine and Coastal Flow Fields
A variety of formats for the display of velocity vector components are presented and assessed. The effective transmittal of information to the viewer is the criterion emphasized. The special...

Developments of Modelling Software for Civil Engineers
The paper describes some of the recent problems in the development of software tools for civil engineers, especially software for hydrodynamic and water quality simulations for environmental...

A Graphical Post-Processor for CE-QUAL-W2
A directly linked graphical post-processor has been developed for the Corps of Engineers' CE-QUAL-W2 (W2) Model. The post-processor allows the quick visualization and verification of the...

NetCDF: A Public-Domain-Software Solution to Data-Access Problems for Numerical Modelers
Unidata's network Common Data Form, netCDF, provides users with an efficient set of software for scientific-data-storage, retrieval, and manipulation. The netCDF file format is machine-independent,...

Methodology for Validation of a Tampa Bay Circulation Model
The National Ocean Service is presently conducting the Tampa Bay Oceanography Project, including development and application of a three-dimensional circulation model to the Bay, and collection...

Field Verification of a Wave-Induced Current Model
A unique data set of nearshore waves and current measurements over a bar-trough bathymetry was collected during a field experiment at Duck, NC, in October 1990. These high-quality data...

Modeling Three-Dimensional Circulation and Sediment Transport in Lakes and Estuaries
The transport of fine sediments due to currents and wind waves in estuaries and lakes have been studied by means of field experiments, laboratory experiments, and a comprehensive three-dimensional...

Thirty Year Simulation of Chesapeake Bay Eutrophication
Eutrophication processes in Chesapeake Bay, 1959-1988, are simulated using a three-dimensional model package. Results link the volume of anoxic water to degree of stratification and to...

Passive Dispersive Transport Modelling: Comparison with Experimental Rhodamine Data in the Elbe Estuary, Germany
Aiming at modelling of the complex water mass, suspended matter and pollutant transport in a tidal estuary, the ability of simulating the transport of passive, conservative tracers is...

Nowcast Protocol for the Great Lakes Forecasting System
The Great Lakes Forecasting System is a cooperative federal-university undertaking designed to implement a predictive system for each of the Great Lakes. The desired forecasts concentrate...





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