Three-dimensional Modeling for Improving Construction Process Performance
This paper presents experimentation regarding a model for deciding the optimum number of resources that should be allocated to a project. Measures of task and process flexibility are used...

Time-Space Tradeoff Strategies for Space-Schedule Construction
Space availability on a construction site can have a major impact on the efficiency and constructability of a project. Especially when space is limited, tradeoffs between activity sequencing,...

Integrated Product Models
A review is made of current STEP standards efforts to develop integrated product models, using the Express language. An example of a building wall is presented, along with some general...

Extended Topology in Building Design Systems
An important aspect of CAD systems for building design concerns the description of the form of the building, the definition of operation on that form and the way these operations are offered...

Integrated System Environment Using an Object-Oriented Project Model with Multiple-Views
This paper describes the development, present status and future directions for PMAPM, an object-oriented project model designed to facilitate information sharing along the paths through...

Estimating Sediment Relative Density Using an Impact Core Sampler and Wave Equation-based Pile Analysis
This paper presents a case history in which soil sample drive resistance was modeled with a wave equation-based pile analysis computer program to estimate in situ sediment relative densities...

Computerized Building Settlement Analyses for a Contaminated Groundwater Remediation Project
The use of spreadsheets is becoming ever more popular in the practice of civil engineering. Engineers are able to use this tool to meet deadlines which were once insurmountable. This paper...

An Object-Oriented Approach to PC Finite-Element Solutions
A methodology for developing a finite-element program with a variety of applications within civil engineering is presented. Application include simple structural analysis, groundwater...

Application of the FESWMS-2DH Software to Solve the Navigation Problem at EL-Menya Bridge in Egypt
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of a two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modelling System on a navigation problem located along the Nile river in front...

Application of OOP and GUI to the Development of Educational Software in Structural Mechanics
A pilot project on the development of educational software in structural mechanics is reported herein. A computer program for the demonstration of shear, moment, and deflection diagrams...

A Flexible Structural Analysis Method for Computer-Aided Preliminary Design
This paper presents a new method for supporting structural analysis during preliminary design stage that is based on Gere's idea of 'moment distribution'. The extension is that in this...

A Simplified Method of Multistory-frame Analysis Including the P-? Effect
A simplified method of non-iterative analysis of rigid multistory-frames having vertical columns with different heights within the same story is developed by means of a modification to...

Toward Integrated Models for Structural Design
The paper presents research toward integrated product and process models for structural design in which and each entity in the product model describes information used by activities in...

Integrated Automation Systems in Structural Engineering
This paper presents the current integrated automation systems available in the industry for structural engineering application. An integrated automation application essentially consists...

Creating Construction Documents from 3-D Computer Models
Structural engineering tasks can be broken down into three major phases; analysis, design and construction document production. Although automation techniques have focused on these phases...

Computer Based Energy Analysis for Mechanical Retrofit of Buildings
Visionaries in the HVAC arena are now focusing their attention on servicing and retrofitting existing buildings. These efforts include modernizing and upgrading deteriorated equipment,...

A Hypermedia Constructability System
Traditional civil engineering follows as segmented process of design then construction. Separating the two provides a system of accountability and creativity. One of the shortfalls with...

Multimedia Based System for Analyzing Production Organizations
Construction operations involve many complex operations and relationships. This paper deals with data gathering for productivity improvement-studies, process modelling and simulation of...

Comparing Two OODBMSs: An Application Developer's Perspective
Advances in database management technology lead application developers to consider new implementation options such as Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMSs). Current OODBMS...

Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering Based Upon the OODBMS ONTOS
Recent research in numerous projects carried out at the Institute of Computational Engineering (ICE) demonstrates the capability of object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS),...





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