An Uncertainty Analysis Methodology Applied to Sheetpile Cofferdam Design
The input data to numerical simulation models is often uncertain, and, consequently, model predictions may be uncertain. Such uncertainties are often treated by Monte Carlo techniques....

A Comparison of Tidal Sediment Boundary Layer Profiles with Theory
A number of theoretical derivations have been presented for predictions of the sediment concentration profile near or at the bottom of a column of surface water. Ultrasonic transceivers...

Techniques for Measuring Flow and Sediment Parameters Near the Bed in Estuaries
The collection of accurate and meaningful field data is often the key to successful description and prediction of natural processes. The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Analysis of Scour Problems at Louisiana Bridges
An ongoing project to automate the monitoring of scour measurements at Louisiana bridge sites is discussed. The data at selected bridges is digitized and put into computer files for analysis....

Statistical Analysis of Embankment Dam Failures
Data on embankment dam failures in the State of Colorado were analyzed. The analyses included 1,900 dams and covered a time period from 1799 to 1985. The three basic categories of data...

Improved Robustness of the NWS DAMBRK Algorithm
The combination dam breach and flood routing numerical model called DAMBRK has been developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) for forecasting river flooding events (Fread, 1984)....

Input Programs for Engineering Applications
This paper discusses several input program types and the data structures associated with them. Two input programs were designed for KYPIPEF to demonstrate the use of files of records and...

Analysis of Storm Event Suspended Sediment Data From Tennessee
In order to provide an understanding of transport patterns, historical suspended sediment data collected by TVA in the late 1930s were computerized and entered onto WATSTORE. Frequent...

Dimensional Analyses of Yellow River Sediment Data
A contemporaneous set of bed load and suspended load sediment transport data were analysed for three hydrologic stations on the Yellow River. There were a total of 82 bed load events,...

Response of a Lake Outlet Channel to Dredging
Channel improvements were completed in 1982 along approximately 8 miles of the Little Tallahatchie River just downstream of Sardis Dam. Heavy rains shortly after completion of the improvement...

ARS Water Data Bank?A Storage System for Hydrologic Data
Precipitation and streamflow records are considered basic for all hydrologic studies, and are an important product of water research projects in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)....

Utilization of Geographic Information Systems Technology in the Assessment of Regional Ground-Water Quality
The U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Pesticide Programs and several State agencies in Oregon has prepared a digital...

Weather Modification Versus Drought?No Contest
The Colorado River Municipal Water District has sponsored a summertime West Texas cloud-seeding program to increase rainfall in each year since 1970. Because of the program's...

Satellite Remote Sensing for Regional Crop Inventories
LANDSAT 4 and 5 Satellite spectral images of the Columbia Basin were obtained during the 1984, 1985 and 1986 growing seasons by Cropix, Inc. of Hermiston, Oregon. A field classification...

Establishing a Monitoring Program for Formulating Water Quality Objectives in a Transboundary Reach
A systematic approach to the establishment of a monitoring program for formulating water quality objectives in the Similkameen River should include the following interactive steps: 1)...

Report of Task Committee on the Collection and Publication of Basic Water Resources Data
In 1983 members of the Irrigation and Drainage Division's Committee on Surface Water expressed concern over reductions in funding for data collection and publication programs in the United...

The Applicability of Satellite Altimetry Data to Tidal Models
Different tidal regimes require different data assimilation schemes. In all cases, however, it is better to perform a separate tidal solution before assimilation. For proper assimilation...

Spatial Attenuation of Major Pennsylvania Storms
To utilize point estimates for more expansive areas, reduction factors are necessary to account for the attenuation of storm magnitude with increasing area. The spatial attenuation of...

Experiences of the U.S. Army Engineer District, Pittsburgh in Collecting Real-Time Water Control Data
As a result of an ever increasing need to optimize water use, 'Reservoir Regulation' has evolved into what is now known as 'Water Control Management'. In addition to the flood control...

The Estimation of Rainfall for Flood Forecasting Using Radar and Rain Gage Data
The use of radar-rainfall data in combination with rain gage measurements may improve rainfall estimates over those based on either form of measurement alone. A set of rainfall analysis...





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