Elasto-Plastic Volume Change of Unsaturated Compacted Clay
Isotropic compression tests were performed on samples of unsaturated compacted kaolin in a modified triaxial cell that allowed separate control of pore water pressure and pore air pressure....

One and Three Dimensional, Three Phase Deformation in Soil
An initially saturated soil exhibits two distinct deformation patterns as it drys. First, it deforms vertically until the soil begins to drain. Secondly , it deforms laterally as well...

Flow Properties of Unsaturated Soils Under Controlled Suction
Laboratory tests were performed for the hydraulic characterization of three compacted soils under high suction. Moisture changes were studied considering some factors affecting the time...

Permeability Determination for Unsaturated Soils
A reliable approach for the determination of the soil hydraulic conductivity function relies on the parameter estimation solution approach in which heterogeneous state of saturation within...

Transit Times Through Compacted Clay Liners
Transit time, or time taken by waste liquid to move through the thickness of the liner, is a short-term performance parameter which can be used to determine the necessary liner thickness....

Performance of Horizontal and Vertical Barriers
Horizontal and vertical barriers have been used on transportation facilities to control expansive soils and minimize their damages. The effort is to minimize moisture change in the soil...

Data Base for the Design of Piers in Expansive Soils
The paper describes the parameters and the structure of the seed of a data base of properties and observed field behavior of expansive soils assembled from an extensive literature review....

Design and Performance of Deep Foundations
Piles and Piers in Soil and Soft Rock
This proceedings, Design and Performance of Deep Foundations: Piles and Piers in Soil and Soft Rock, consists of papers presented at five sessions...

Digital Image Processing
Techniques and Applications in Civil Engineering
This proceedings, Digital Image Processing: Techniques and Applications in Civil Engineering, consists of the invited and submitted papers...

Fly Ash for Soil Improvement
This proceedings, Fly Ash for Soil Improvement, contains papers presented at technical sessions of the 1993 ASCE Annual Convention and Exposition...

Unsaturated Soils
This proceedings, Unsaturated Soils, consists of papers presented at sessions of the 1993 ASCE National Convention and Exposition held in Dallas,...

Whose Risk Is It, Anyway?
Near the now-closed Smuggler Mine in Aspen, Colo. toxic lead sits beneath the grass of area residents' yards. A major portion of soil in the area has lead above the EPA action...

Slip-Lining Solution
Grouting the annular space between a corroded sewer pipe and newly installed liner pipe is a stage of a typical sewer line rehabilitation project which contains hidden problems and difficulties....

Harry Seed, Liquefaction & the Gravel Drain
The late Professor Seed of the University of California at Berkeley established criteria for gravel drain design in a 1977 ASCE paper. Without historical proof for its viability in a real...

Two-Time Winner
After more than a century of service as a major U.S.-Canada rail link, the existing St. Clair River Tunnel between Port Huron, Mich. and Sarnia, Ontario is being replaced by a new tunnel...

Beach Nourishment with Aragonite and Tuned Structures
The first full-scale use in the United States of imported aragonite sand for beach restoration was undertaken at Fisher Island, Florida, between December 1990 and April 1991. About 20,000...

Monitoring of the 1988 Boca Raton Beach Nourishment Project
During July and August of 1988, approximately 843,000 cm of sand was placed along a 2.3-km stretch of beach in Boca Raton, Florida. Post-cosntruction monitoring of the beach nourishment...

Mitigation of Harbor Caused Shore Erosion with Beach Nourishment Delayed Mitigation, St. Joseph Harbor, MI
St. Joseph Harbor MI. was the first Corps of Engineers Section 111 erosion-mitigation project to be built. Between 1 Jun 76 and 5 Aug 85, about 1,067,000 cy of fine sand was placed in...

Design of Protective Dunes at Dam Neck, Virginia
Dunes act as a primary coastal defense against inundation in the Netherlands and the Dutch Government has devoted considerable effort towards development of reliable procedures for the...

Subaqueous Disposal Area Development and Mitigation
Development of subaqueous dikes on soft soils extensively utilized geosynthetics. The design adopted a wide-bermed embankment with high-strength geotextile for tensile reinforcement and...





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