Radioactivity in the Ocean: Laws and Biological Effects
This paper summarizes the literature on U. S. laws and international agreements, experimental and monitoring data, and ongoing studies to provide background information for environmental...

Use of Remote Sensing to Assess Estuarine Habitats
Estuaries and lagoons are dominant features in Florida. They are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth and provide food and shelter for a large and diverse group of living resources....

Investigations of Day-Night Distributional Changes of Striped Bass in Hudson River Interpier Areas
As part of a Hudson River fisheries study, investigations were made in an attempt to assess whether onshore-offshore movements could change the number of juvenile striped bass using interpier...

Importance of Underpier Areas in Lower Hudson River for Striped Bass
A stratified random sampling design was employed in which each of three sampling zones (New York, New Jersey and Upper Harbor underpier areas) were sampled once per month from February...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
The current dredge and fill permit process in Maryland has become a complex procedure involving many agencies from each level of government. The process by which a permit is obtained for...

Regulatory Reform in Alaska: An Oil Industry Perspective
The State of Alaska recently implemented regulatory reform procedures to streamline the permitting process and ease the regulatory burden on the regulated community, as well as the burden...

Local Government Implementation of Chesapeake Bay Protection
The 1984 session of the Maryland General Assembly concluded with the passage of a legislative package on the Chesapeake Bay. One of the cornerstones of the package is the Critical Areas...

Monitoring the Chesapeake Bay Fish Spawning Grounds with Aerostats and Remote Sensing Equipment
A brief review is given of the effects of acid rain and other pollutants on the fish spawning grounds in the Chesapeake Bay area. Given the need for improved monitoring of the Bay and...

Sand for Beach Nourishment in Lower Chesapeake Bay
The Virginia Institute of Marine Science designed and performed an inventory of the resources of sand in the southernmost portion of Chesapeake Bay. The primary purpose of the project...

Hurricane Evacuation Studies, an Overview of Major Analyses
The purpose of this manuscript is to present the methods employed, the types of data generated and the interrelationships of the major analyses conducted for a hurricane evacuation study....

An Open Space Funding Program for Coastal Preservation
The Maryland Program Open Space (POS) Program and funding technique provides a model for the development of a funding program for water quality, tributary, coastal zone, estuarine, and...

The Failure of Section 312 of the CZMA
Coastal Zone Management Act, as amended, provides for a continuing evaluation of a state's Coastal Zone Management Program. This paper reviews the history and evolution of...

Estuarine Mitigation Policy in Oregon: A History
Oregon's Coastal Zone Management Program requires mitigation for estuarine intertidal fill and removal, by creation, restoration or enhancement of another area to maintain...

Seagrass Mitigation in Biscayne Bay, Florida
A large scale seagrass revegetation project was undertaken by the Port of Miami, Dade County, Florida, in 1982. Thirty eight acres of Thalassia testudinum, Syringodium filiforme, and Halodule...

Implementing Mitigation Policies in San Francisco Bay: A Critique
This paper documents and evaluates 58 permits in San Francisco Bay that required the implementation of wetland restoration projects to fulfil mitigation requirements. The 58 projects are...

Guidelines for the Mitigation of Salt Marshes in New Jersey
Mitigation is the environmental compensation for human impacts and disturbances on sensitive and legally protected ecological systems. The primary goal of mitigating human developments...

The National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory
The National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory (NCPDI) is a data base and computational framework being developed by the Strategic Assessment Branch (SAB) of the Ocean Assessments...

Impacts of Severe Storms on Beach Vegetation
In the winter of 1982/1983 the southern California coastline was subjected to a series of storms. High tides in conjunction with high swells reshaped beach topography in many areas. One...

Dune Construction on Perdido Key, Alabama
In recent years, the Alabama coast has experienced significant pressures for development. To make development compatible with beach preservation, the Alabama Department of Environmental...

Some Econological Observations on Coastal Plant Communities, of New York and New Jersey
The present study was conducted at three coastal sites, Fire Island, New York, Fort Tilden, New York, and Sandy Hook, New Jersey. Four plant communities, the salt marsh community, sand...





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