Continuum Modeling of Discrete Structures with Geometric Nonlinearities
The modeling of geometrically non-linear discrete structures by an equivalent continuum is presented. The discrete-continuum analogy is developed by first isolating a unit cell of the...

Damage Detection in Periodic Structures
Nondestructive damage detection in periodic structures using continuum analogues of the discrete structure is studied. Algebraic equations relating changes in eigenfrequencies to the fractional...

The Hydroelectric Barge
The nation's inland waterway system includes many low head locks and dams, with undeveloped hydropower potential estimated in excess of 1,100 MW. For most of these dams, hydro...

The PowerBarge Hydroelectric Plant
Following an account of the need for such an approach, the PowerBarge hydroelectric plant design concept is described as a fully floating system consisting of an Intake Barge, Siphon Penstock,...

A Study of Deformations in Concrete Faced Rockfill Dams
This paper presents the results of studies on the behavior of certain concrete faced rockfill dams (CFRD), which were conducted during the Basic Design of Machadinho dam in Brazil. The...

Rockfill Compression Tests and Other Aspects of the Design of Miel I Dam
The Miel I Dam, a high concrete face rockfill dam, is one of the main structures designed for the Miel I Hydroelectric Project in Colombia. Selection of dam type was based on technical...

Damage Mechanics and Continuum Modeling
Historically, the structural and mechanical engineers are conditioned to model a material in a purely phenomenological sense with little or no regard to underlying physical phenomenon...

Engineering with Spreadsheets
With an electronic spreadsheet, the geotechnical engineer has a powerful tool for solving routine engineering problems. The ability of the electronic spreadsheet to use the calculus of...

Beam Analogy for Vertical Curves
The vertical curve is analyzed as a moment diagram for a uniformly loaded single beam with a concentrated moment at one end. This contributes some flexibility in approach, and enhances...

Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
Computing in civil engineering has gone through serious adjustments in recent years. With the advent of computer-aided design and drafting systems (CAD) and microcomputers, computing capability...

Probabilistic Nature of Soil Properties
The integrity of a soil material is defined not only by its compositional components but also by the constituent natural bonds and the resultant interactions between the various constituents...

An Extreme-Value Model for Strength of Stiff Clays
The role of the distribution function in the safety analysis of soil structures is briefly discussed. Comparison of the two statistical distributions - normal and Weibull - reveals that...

Tunnelling in Soil and Rock
The relationship between tunnel design and construction is covered with emphasis on case histories of field measurements and performance. A general report emphasizes the importance of...

State-of-the-Art of Development of Floor Spectra
Floor spectra are used as seismic inputs for the design and qualification of subsystems and equipment. Until very recently, the time history analyses with single acceleration time history...

Experimental Determination of Fluid-Coupling Coefficients in an Array of Hexagonal Prisms
The problem is related to the seismic analysis of fast breeder reactor cores, where the fluid trapped between the subassemblies is known to have a considerable influence on the core response....

Engineering Mechanics in Civil Engineering
The principles of engineering mechanics and the application of these principles to civil engineering problems cover a broad spectrum of topics ranging from theory to practice. These proceedings...

Limiting Tip and Side Resistance: Fact or Fallacy?
The tip and side resistances of deep foundations do not reach a limit at a critical depth; instead, they increase with depth. For the tip, the rate of increase decreases with depth. For...

Influence of Connection Behavior on Steel Frame Designs at Factored Loads
This paper illustrates how interactive computer graphics, when interfaced with nonlinear inelastic frame analysis programs, can provide a powerful tool for design of semi-rigid frames...

The Use of Soil Mechanics Capabilities in a General Purpose Finite Element Program
This paper describes capabilities, points out features of implementation in a general purpose code, and describes some numerical considerations. The paper makes use of illustrative solutions....

Development of the Dredging Wheel
The 'bucket line' dredge and 'cutter suction' dredge are two distinct types of equipment. The cutter suction system has developed more...





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