Coastal Zone Management Programmes in Barbados and Grenada
This paper discusses two islands, Barbados and Grenada, where government funded coastal zone management programmes have been set up and are being implemented. These programmes are discussed...

Erosion Problems on Bay Beaches in the New York Metropolitan Area
The purpose of this study is to identify the shore processes and beach characteristics which affect planning and management of eroding bay shorelines by examination of problems at selected...

An Examination of the History and Political Processes Involved in the Reclamation of Alameda Beach, Alameda, California
This paper examines the history and political processes which transformed the eroded tidal flats of the Alameda shoreline into today's Alameda Beach. The innovation and tenacity...

Beach Stabilization Design
There is a need for aesthetically pleasing and environmentally satisfactory solutions for protecting, renovating and restoring eroding semi-protected coastal beaches such as those found...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound System
The Albemarle-Pamlico Sound system is the second largest estuarine system in the United States in areal extent, and the fourth largest in volume. Moreover, it is one of the most important...

North Carolina Regulatory Systems for Coastal Development
It was not until the late 1960's and early 1970's that several factors converged to produce the current management system. These factors included the level of...

The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study
The Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study was formulated on the deep need to preserve the long-term productivity of a unique and complex estuarine system. As the traditional way of life in...

Marine Multi-Purpose Zone Project
Since most of the big cities in Japan locate near seacoast, the sea has been playing great role in their developments. It is necessary to make a good quality of public stock, coping with...

Waterfronts Revived
This paper explores the experiences of North American cities in their efforts to improve opportunities for the public to use and enjoy their shores. This work is an outgrowth of research...

Copenhagen Metropolitan Region Coast Erosion Management
Modern requirements for control and development of the coastal zone are best fulfilled through ad hoc initiatives towards coordination between authorities and professionals, based on truly...

A Coastal Management Program for the Saudi Arabian Red Sea Coast
In marked contrast to the Arabian Gulf, the Red Sea is still largely unaffected by industrial development. Awareness of the relatively natural condition of the Red Sea and its outstanding...

Coastal Area Management in the South Pacific Islands
Within the broad framework provided by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme a coastal area management programme, SOPACOAST, is underway. Its approach is broad, encompassing...

Is It Safe to Eat the Seafood?
The issue of bacterial, viral and chemical contamination of Puget Sound seafood and its consequent impact on human health has been of concern for some time. This paper discusses potential...

Guadalupe Dunes Revegetation Program
The subject of this paper is a revegetation program currently being developed by McClelland Engineers and Cities Services for a five-mile pipeline construction corridor in the Guadalupe...

Washington State Department of Ecology: Wetlands Program
The State of Washington Department of Ecology is in its third year of implementation of a comprehensive, multi-faceted program to facilitate informed wetlands management. This program...

Shoreline Development in Southern Lake Michigan
This abstract refers to the effect that record-high lake levels, shoreline erosion, and the decline of the steel industry are having on present and future plans for shoreline development...

Estuarine Protection Through Public Participation
Because public participation is such a time-honored component of the coastal resource management process, it is often easy to forget the pivotal role that citizen activism and public access...

Sivunniuq: Planning Together in Northwest Alaska
Sivunniuq applies the traditional approach to planning and decision making. Its primary purpose is to encourage early and meaningful local involvement in project and plan development activities....

Salmon Restoration in Humboldt Bay: A Model of Citizen and Government Participation
Two organizations emerged in 1969 that successfully brought together a wide variety of public and private entities and government agencies with the goal of reversing the decline of the...

Identifying DepositionalAreas in Puget Sound
Depositional areas where fine sediments accumulate have been located through low-cost sediment studies instead of more costly current meter and settling trap measurements. Over 200 samples...





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