Experimental Studies of Coastal Process and Improvement Works on Xiaodinggang Coast
The field observation and investigation in recent years show that the coast erosion in the area is mainly caused by rapid reduction of sediment supply. The deposit materials are uplifted...

Equilibrium Beach Profiles: Prediction of Coastal Erosion Due to Severe Storms
This paper describes a method that calculates coastal erosion due to severe storms. The equilibrium beach profile concept used in this study was developed by Swart. The agreement between...

Anadromous Fish Impacts at Proposed Hydroelectric Plants
This paper describes a series of field techniques successfully used by the authors to determine a minimum flow downstream of hydroelectric plants. The minimum flow of water required for...

Effects of Vehicles on Buried, High-Pressure Pipe
The mechanical effects of selected types of traffic on buried, high-pressure steel pipe are examined. Particularly considered is a section of the Colorado Interstate Gas (CIG) pipeline...

Clay Pipe Installation?Advances in Load Factors
This report presents an evaluation of traditional load factor values for clay pipe and the development of a new bedding system which gives a higher load factor. Tests demonstrate that...

Field Burial Tests of Corrugated Double Wall PVC Pipe
A new lightweight PVC pipe, consisting of a smooth inner wall and a corrugated outer wall, has been introduced in the U. S. sanitary sewer market in 4 through 10 in. diameters. Field burial...

Determining the In-Place Density of Soils Using the Sleeve Method
The sleeve method of determining the in-place density was developed by Bureau of Reclamation field personnel for cohesionless, fine, gravel soils used for pipe bedding when other methods...

Buried Fiberglass Pipe Response to Field Installation Methods
In 1970 near Yuma, Arizona, a field test installation of 30 inch diameter fiberglass pipe was constructed. Twelve years later the pipeline was remeasured. Measurements of pipe profile,...

Field Testing of 84-Inch-Diameter Plastic Pipe
During the summer of 1981, a research project was initiated to monitor strains and deformation in 84-inch diameter RPM (reinforced plastic mortar) pressure pipe. Three 20-foot (6. 1-m)...

Application of Water Budget to Seepage Loss Estimation
The seepage loss for the emergency cooling water spray pond has been calculated by performing a water balance study for the pond. A field test of the spray pond was performed to estimate...

A Ground Water Flow Model for Protection of the Northwest Well Field, Dade County, Florida
A new study was initiated to determine the appropriate cone of depression for the Northwest Well Field and to develop land use restrictions within that area. A finite-difference ground...

Field Evaluation of a Diffuser-Induced Mixing Model
Early physical model studies of the diffusers at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant qualitatively document the mixing characteristics of the thermal effluent. Based on these studies, the dilution...

Integrated Hydrothermodynamic Study of Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
The results of hydrothermodynamic analyses and computer models discussed in previous papers are combined to present an integrated study supporting a request for alternative thermal limits...

Embankment Overtopping Tests to Evaluate Damage
The paper reports on studies of embankments 6 ft high, 10 to 22 ft in crest width, and 3 ft in length, with slope varying from 2:1 to 4:1. Embankment surfaces include pavement, grass,...

Microcomputer Program for Daily Weather Simulation
Extensive climatic data have been collected by the National Weather Service and other agencies, and are available in printed form or on magnetic tapes. The published data are expensive...

Secondary Circulation Data Acquisition System
A computerized field data collection system was developed for a project investigating secondary circulation in natural rivers. The instrumentation includes a Commodore mini-computer with...

A Low-Cost, Microcomputer-Based Field Data Acquisition System
This paper discusses the selection and development of a micro-computer-based data acquisition system used for collecting aquifer test data. Primary components of the data collection system...

Microprocessor-Based Data Acquisition Systems
The application of microprocessor-based data acquisition systems to laboratory experiments and field tests is discussed. The importance of the system design and hardware selection is emphasized....

Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity Variation
For a confined, sandy aquifer, the dependence of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity on the vertical coordinate has been measured using single-well tracer injection/recovery experiments....

Automated Analysis of High Accident Locations
Identification of high accident locations and associated accident causative factors as well as determination and evaluation of appropriate remedial measures at these sites are continuing...





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