The Effects of P-Delta and Semi-Rigid Connections on Response Behavior of Inelastic Steel Frames Subjected to Cyclic and Seismic Loadings
A numerical method is presented for analyzing semi-rigid connected steel frames subjected to various time-dependent excitations with consideration of damping, nonlinear material behavior...

Bidirectional Seismic Response of Simple Structures
For design purposes it has been common to consider that seismic excitations act in one direction at a time. Analytical studies over the past decade have indicated that this may not be...

The Credibility of Probabilities: An Application to Water Resources Policy
This paper focuses on one particularly troublesome issue in decision analysis, the issue of the credibility of subjective probabilities. A water resources policy problem is used to illustrate...

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Use of Risk Analysis
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) has been using risk analysis techniques in assessments for management decisions. Before presenting USBR practice and experience, the paper...

The Use of ISMAUT in Determining the Most-Preferred Package of Alternatives
Multiattribute decision analysis serves as a useful model of alternative selection under risk. A specialized form of multiattribute decision analysis assumes that there is only one stage...

Microcomputer Application of the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure
Over the past five years the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in conjunction with the twenty-one Florida Metropolitan Planning Organizations, has developed the Florida Standard...

Transportation Infrastructure Information Systems
The current crisis in the nation's transportation infrastructure necessitates the development of innovative data management systems to facilitate and implement analysis algorithms...

Uncertainty and Conservatism in the Seismic Analysis of Nuclear Facilities
Traditionally, seismic analysis and design of nuclear power plant structures are performed using deterministic procedures. In order to address the issue of the likelihood of failure, probabilistic...

Pipeline Frost Heave Predictions Using a 2-D Thermal Model
Chilled structures founded on initially unfrozen soils cause a zone or 'bulb' of frost to develop with time. This time period may be of seasonal duration, as...

Design of Impact Limiters for Waste Fuel Shipping Casks
Impact limiters are often used to control the decelerations experienced by a waste fuel shipping cask when it is subjected to the hypothetical accident condition loadings. Simplified design...

Simulation of Salt Behavior Using In Situ Response
This paper presents an improved method for simulating the salt behavior. In this method, the governing equations are normalized to the creep function, which represents the transient and...

CADD Application to Structural Framing Systems
This presentation illustrates the formulation of a Computer Aided Analysis/Design/Detail (CADD) program package utilizing a common microcomputer data base. It presents a new CADD technique...

The Advantages of Shared Data in a 3-D Structural CAE Environment
An integrated three-dimensional CAD/CAE data base helps solve problems of maintaining current data, sharing data with the several phases in the structural process and with other disciplines....

A Microcomputer Reservoir Decision Model
The paper discusses the development of a dynamic programming model to optimize reservoir operations. Given statistical summaries of inflows, forecasts of near-term inflows, and cost statements...

Three-Dimensional Boundary Element Techniques for Moving Boundary Problems
The boundary element method (BEM) is a powerful numerical method well suited for a wide variety of engineering problems. The numerical computations are performed only on the boundary of...

Water System Data Base for Naples, Florida
Boyle Engineering Corporation has developed a comprehensive database technique using its Intergraph Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) system to assist in the computer modeling...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis on a Micro Computer
The shift toward micros has reduced prices and increased accessibility, permitting engineers to bypass 'bureaucratic' DP departments and run programs as often...

Interactive Modeling and Display of Spatial and Time Varying Phenomena Using CAPLIB7
This paper describes some of the software being used at Cornell University to aid the development of tools for modeling phenomena having both spatial and temporal dimensions. Such models...

Statistical Analysis of Tellico Dam Piezometer Data
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the use of statistical and computer processing methods as a tool for analyzing dam safety piezometric monitoring data. Statistical methods are...

A Microcomputer Program for Bearing Capacity Analysis
The objective of this paper is to introduce an IBM/PC/XT/AT microcomputer program for the Bearing Capacity Analysis of Shallow Foundations. The program incorporates the bearing capacity...





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