Climate Change and Resulting Hydrologic Response: Illinois River Basin
In the last 20 years, the northern half of the Illinois River basin has been experiencing a wetter and cooler climate. This climate change has significantly increased Illinois River flows...

Glacial Icemelt in the Wind River Range, Wyoming
The Wind River Range of Wyoming contains the greatest concentration of glaciers in the American Rocky Mountains with two of the larger glaciers being Dinwoody and Gannett Glaciers. This...

Assessing Nonpoint Pollution Potential of Surface Waters Using a Geographic Information System
The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine the susceptibility of surface waters to nonpoint pollution is described. The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS)...

Utility of a GIS in Watershed Management?A Case Study
A geographic information system data base was established for a small watershed in Shelby County, Tennessee, for both surface and subsurface water attributes. The surface water portion...

An Integrated GIS and Model for Assisting the Managers of an Army Training Area
The ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS) has been combined with the ARX spatial expert system and the SMSP soil moisture-soil strength model to assist the managers of a major training...

Environmental Compliance and River Maintenance on Santo Domingo Pueblo, New Mexico
River maintenance activities within the boundaries of the Santo Domingo Pueblo on the Rio Grande have departed from the traditional channelization philosophy and employed engineering methodologies...

Effects of Water Erosion Processes on Drainage and Irrigation Systems
This study examines the relationship between geomorphic processes and drainage/irrigation projects. It illustrates the method of geomorphic analysis by the study of a drainage project...

Management Strategies for Baseflow Augmentation
Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) range management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4) upland...

Development and Implementation of the Wekiva River Basin Regulatory Program in Central Florida
The St. Johns River Water Management District developed a comprehensive surface water management program for the basin. Between 1987 and 1989 the District implemented basin specific design...

Effects of Mining, Grazing, and Roads on Sediment and Water Chemistry in Birch Creek, Nevada
Assessment of the cumulative effects of mining and other land uses on water quality of Birch Creek showed that mine dumps and roads increased fine sediment deposits in some reaches. Fines...

Stream Bank Stability Prediction for C6 Stream Type Reconstruction
A hydraulic model investigation will be conducted to evaluate the effects of root system characteristics of three meadow plant communities on simulated bank erosion. The test will determine...

Sprinkler System Design for Frost Protection
Both undertree and overtree systems for frost protection by sprinkling are currently being used. The criteria based on experimental results and theoretical modeling have been reviewed...

Rehabilitation and Modernization of Irrigation Projects is Often a Cover-up for Poor Quality Construction and Maintenance
Decreasing land and water resources available for irrigation projects is placing greater empasis on rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation projects. Inferior quality of the initial...

Understanding Delivery Performance Before Rehabilitation
In the initial stages of project formulation, decisions are made regarding the method for allocating water, and the method for physically distributing water. Any major rehabilitation effort...

Upgrading of the Orange Cove Irrigation District Water Distribution System
The Orange Cove Irrigation District covers about 28,000 Acres in the Central Valley of California. It is supplied from the Friant-Kern Canal. A semi-closed low pressure pipeline system...

Performance Measures for Irrigation Water Delivery
Performance measures are developed which facilitate analysis of irrigation water delivery systems in light of the objectives of adequacy, efficiency, dependability and equity and of water...

Canal Automation for Flexibility on Sloping Canals
This project and tested a method which would allow flexible water deliveries from medium-large canals. The canal gate movement algorithm CARDD (Canal Automation for Rapid Demand Deliveries)...

Clean vs. Dirty Water Effects in Irrigation Systems
Seepage losses in irrigation systems may be significantly affected by the suspended solids concentrations of the water. Low-solids clean water increases losses; high-solids dirty water...

Stream Standards for Toxics and Irrigated Agriculture Using New Mexico as a Case Study
New Mexico follows a policy of 'antidegradation' with respect to the existing quality of a stream, but its standards specifically exclude return flows from irrigated...

Application of Neutron Soil Surface Water Monitoring for Plant Establishment
Soil surface water content measurements are tedious and time consuming, and to improve on such tasks, a neutron surface moisture probe was modified by using cadmium shielding. This prevented...





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