A Comprehensive Algorithm for Network Calibration
An explicit calibration algorithm is proposed which provides the direct and rapid adjustment of the pipe roughness coefficients and junction node demands that exactly meet a specified...

A Comparison of Two Large Scale NLP Strategies for Determining Optimal Pump Station Controls
To solve the general nonlinear problem which is not simplified using the uniform spatial demand patterns, a two-level hierarchial scheme has been identified. The purpose of this decomposition...

Water Supply Network Modeling for Infrastructure Management
The concept of a graphics-based computer package for water supply network modeling and system management is discussed. Network model input and solution data are reported via color graphics...

An Expert Critiquing System to Assist in Operating a Water Supply Network
An expert 'critiquing' system is under development to assist in operating San Francisco's multi-reservoir water supply system. This computer application...

A Logical Variable Approach to Water Supply Reliability
The calculation of the reliability that water will be available at a demand point in a distribution network is complicated by the redundancy of paths from the source to the point. The...

A Water Information System for Decision Support in Design, Operation and Management of Distribution Systems
The design, operations and management of water supply and distribution systems require considerable amounts of data and data processing and analysis. What is not available to the water...

Optimizing Urban Ground Water Supply Systems
The cost of Pumping comprises a major part of total water operation and maintenance expenses. Most utilities attempt to keep these costs down. However, there are areas of study that may...

The State of Nevada Operational Seeding Program
Integration of the Nevada Operational Weather Modification Program into management of the region's water supply is a key element to meet the increasing demands placed on these...

Stormwater Quality Issues for Jefferson Parish
Jefferson Parish has a unique set obstacles to overcome in the operation of the drainage system. Situated in a coastal area and surrounded by water, the area has been developed through...

Integration of an ARC/INFO GIS with HEC-1
A hypothetical watershed was constructed to test the efficacy of using an ARC/INFO Geographic Information System to provide input for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-1 hydrologic...

Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems Planning and Implementation
The paper describes the approach taken to develop infrastructure rehabilitation procedures for Water Distribution Systems. Early research attempted to develop a mains condition oriented...

A Decision Support System for Water Supply Costing
Accurate cost estimates for water supply system expansions are an important component of the planning process. A spreadsheet-based cost estimating model called SWFCOST was developed as...

The Boundary Element Method in Engineering Practice
The advances in computer aided engineering has revolutionised many aspects of the engineering design in the last twenty years or so. During this time, design engineers have relied heavily...

An Efficient Parallel-Vector Equation Solver
An efficient parallel-vector equation solver is developed for supercomputers. The matrix is stored in a combined column and row orientation style which improves the vector performance...

A Visualization Toolkit for Fluid Mechanics
The increasing complexity of both experimental and computational models in fluid mechanics requires innovative techniques for analysis and comprehension. Visual methods have been shown...

Block-based Solvers for Engineering Applications
This paper compares the performance of standard linear system solvers, LINPACK, widely used in engineering applications, and PARALIN (a block-based package for linear systems) on the Alliant...

A Substructuring Algorithm for Analysis and Optimization of Large Structures on Parallel Machines
An efficient substructuring algorithm is presented for analysis and optimization of frame structures on parallel machines. The underlying concept is to pre-process the input data in such...

Design of a Neural Network Power Grasp Controller
An overview of research on the development of an artificial neural network controller used to implement power grasping on the DIGITS Grasping System is presented. The DIGITS System, under...

AI Development Environment for the Maintenance of Existing Buildings
A specific structural typology is considered with a deep expertise available on the subject. The 'state of health' of a single building is assessed by an expert...

COFDEX: Composite Floor Design Expert
A knowledge-based system, called COFDEX, is presented for integrated minimum cost or minimum weight design of composite floors in multistory buildings. Developed in the expert system programming...





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