A Knowledge-Based System for the Environmental Design of Waterways (ENDOW)
Knowledge-based software systems accept problem descriptions from users and apply logic in order to generate a solution or solution set. These systems function over very narrow problem...

A Knowledge Based System for Design of Localized Mechanical Mixing Systems
Knowledge-based systems, frequently referred to as expert systems, have been used in a variety of computer-based design applications. They are particularly suited to design processes where...

LISP or CLIPS: Selecting an Expert System Tool in Hydraulic Engineering
The transfer of Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology from the research laboratories to the scientific and engineering environments has been made possible by phenomenal advances in computer...

Low Flow Index and Hydrogeological Characteristics
This work is set within a framework of research on drought phenomena, causes and effects, and the methods to fight the harmful effects of droughts in the agricultural, municipal and industrial...

GIS Visualization Techniques in Surface Water Resource Planning
Geographic information system (GIS) computer graphic displays of surface water resource conditions provides a means for valuation-by-visualization (VBV) of alternate plans. GIS display...

Applications of GIS for Water Quality Modeling in Agricultural and Urban Watersheds
Two studies were conducted to integrate: 1) an agricultural nonpoint source pollution model, AGNPS, with Geographic Information System (GIS) databases, digital elevation model (DEM) data,...

Uncertainty Quantification in Water Distribution Parameter Estimation
Calibration for water distribution system model parameters is usually undertaken with a minimal amount of field measurements so additional pseudomeasurements are assumed. Both the actual...

Measurements to Calibrate Suspended Sediment Model for Adsorbed Contaminant Transport Study of North Fork Holston River, Virginia
A daily suspended sediment (SS) and mercury transport model was developed for a 25-mile reach of the North Fork Holston River below Saltville, Virginia. Daily streamflow measurements;...

Modeling of Dispersion in Natural Streams with Pools and Riffles
The non-Fickian nature of the dispersion process in natural channels with pools and riffles has been investigated through both laboratory experiments and the numerical solution of a proposed...

Natural Salt Pollution in the Brazos River Basin
Water quality in several major river basins in the Southwestern United States is seriously degraded by natural salt contamination. The salt originates from geologic formations underlying...

Coastal Watershed Unit Hydrographs and Methods
The results of a study to determine unit hydrograph peak rate factors for South Carolina coastal watersheds are summarized and compared with traditional values. An extension to the SCS...

Routing for Lake and Tidal Canal Drainage System
A routing method is presented for lake and tidal canal interconnected drainage system in coastal urban areas. Combing reservoir routing, channel routing, and discharge computation of the...

Management of Water Resources Distribution in Iran
On the basis of 45th principle of the Iranian Constitution, seawater as well as river waters, streams and any other natural course, whether surface or underground, also floods, wastewaters,...

Daily Drought Monitoring by the Use of Existing Hydrologic Records
To manage water efficiently in case of drought, an effective drought monitoring method has been of interest. Drought durations and their conditional probabilities are estimated by applying...

Sedimentation Aspects of Floodplain Management
This paper presents sedimentation aspects of a recent disastrous flood that occurred during September 10-12 1990 in the Han River basin, a central part of the Korean peninsula. The flood...

Effect of Manning's Roughness Coefficient in Simulating Flow Parameters in Natural Channels
Manning's roughness coefficients are presented for three of the oldest and largest irrigation canals in Egypt. The discharges ranges from 35 to 318 m3/s....

Cofferdam Rip-Rap Protection for the New Esna Barrage
A 1:60 undistorted mobile bed model of the Nile River in the vicinity of Esna Barrage was constructed at the Hydraulics and Sediment Research Institute to test rip-rap protection of the...

Calibration of Beni-Mazar Movable Bed Model
A sand-bed model representing a reach of the Nile River was constructed to study alternative solutions to maintaining the navigation channel. Flume tests were carried out first to determine...

Drought-related West Tennessee Channel Bank Failures
Massive bank failures occurred in 1988 along a 14-kilometer reach of the lower Obion River channel in Dyer County, West Tennessee where the river flows through an abandoned Mississippi...

Safety Analysis of Handset Wood Slab Formworks
A reliability index is calculated for flexural strength of a handset wood slab formwork system. Load and resistance models are based on a survey of construction loads and wood test data...





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