A Knowledge-Based System for the Environmental Design of Waterways (ENDOW)

by Jerry Miller, US Army Engineer Waterways, Experiment Station, Vicksburg, United States,
F. Douglas Shields, Jr., US Army Engineer Waterways, Experiment Station, Vicksburg, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Hydraulic Engineering


Knowledge-based software systems accept problem descriptions from users and apply logic in order to generate a solution or solution set. These systems function over very narrow problem domains and are useful as training tools, technical manuals, and indexes to large bodies of information. However, the main benefit of developing knowledge-based software is the organization of a body of knowledge so it can be applied in a consistent fashion to many problems. ENDOW is a knowledge-based software intended to aid the user in learning about and selecting environmental features for proposed stream channel alteration projects.

Subject Headings: Knowledge-based systems | Stream channels | Computer software | Systems engineering | Hydraulic design | Waterways | Expert systems

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