QSAR Based Expert System For Environmental Hazard Management
This study was done to investigate the feasibility of developing an Expert System for application in environmental hazard management and control. The specific objective of the study was...

Global Risk Assessment: A Naive Look at Initiating Processes
Global risk assessment is finding those initiating processes which may cause harm to Earth systems (and ultimately the human species), their probability of occurrence, and the level of...

Quantitative Dye-Tracing of Karst Ground-Water Flow
Analysis of the results of repeat quantitative dye traces between a sinkhole and a spring used for public water supply were used to describe predictive relations between discharge, mean...

Computerized Data Processing, Displays and Groundwater Flow Analyses of the Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site
Several types of data, maps, and figures were obtained from various sources involved in the investigations and monitoring at the site. This information was discretized, and a computerized...

NAPL and Contaminant Transport in the Soil Matrix
A one-dimensional multiphase mass transport model for the migration of a Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) containing sparingly water soluble organics in the unsaturated soil zone is described....

Surface Water Particles: Coagulation and Sorption
A size-dependent particle and particle-associated contaminant transport and fate model is presented. The unsteady, two-dimensional model couples the water column and bed and enables analysis...

Trio of Microcomputer Models for Organic Chemical Transport in Rivers
Three microcomputer models have been jointly developed to provide tools to simulate the fate of organic chemicals in river systems. The three models offer a range of complexities and data...

A Risk-Based Evaluation of Best Management Practices to Control Agricultural Groundwater Contamination
The probabilities of groundwater contamination by pesticides under different management alternatives were evaluated in a single county in Oklahoma by coupling an agricultural infiltration...

An Expert System for Groundwater Management with Applications to Collier County, FL
This paper describes techniques used in frequency analysis, time series model building, forecasting, up-dating, and mapping. Domain knowledge of experts is transferred into the system...

Training Water Delivery System Operators with Simulators
A graphical display training simulator has been developed on a microcomputer to mimic the operation of a multi-reservoir water delivery system. The simulator functions as a training device...

Proposal for Combining Expert Systems and Canal Design
Expert Systems can be combined with a computer aided design methodology to develop a cost effective canal system. The System should consider a feasible set of design alternatives to satisfy...

Prediction of Overland Phosphorus Transport Using a Phosphorus Enrichment Ratio
The Guelph model to evaluate the effects of Agricultural Management Systems on Erosion, Sedimentation, and Phosphorus yield (GAMESP) of Rousseau et al. was used to calibrate the phosphorus...

Flood Warning Systems as a Means for Reducing Urban Flood Losses
This paper describes the potential effectiveness of flood warning systems in reducing loss of life. The paper describes the problems associated with urban flood warning systems (or lack...

Modeling a Multiple Well Groundwater Supply System
The paper is concerned with the simulation of existing groundwater supply systems. This encompasses the delivery of the groundwater from the wells to the water treatment plant, including...

An Interactive Microcomputer Program for One-Dimensional Solute Transport in Saturated Soil-Water Systems
This paper presents a user-friendly microcomputer program for one-dimensional solute transport in saturated soil-water systems. Eight different types of adsorption isotherms, ranging from...

Detention and Filtration?Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Rapid growth in the Austin metropolitan area kindled regualtions to protect the environment. Rigid enforcement of function-oriented guidelines and increased emphasis on productivity has...

Systems Approach for Irrigation Management of Complex Projects Involving Large Number of Farmers Under Severely Arid Regions
An Irrigation Management Information System (IMIS) was developed for complex irrigation projects involving a large number of farms under severely arid conditions. This system is a computer...

Effective On-Farm Irrigation Scheduling in the Humid Southeast
An extension demonstration of a checkbook type irrigation scheduling system using a personal computer and spread sheet is described. The system incorporates typical crop water use curves,...

Aquatic Weed Control by Grass Carp in Cool Water
Diploid grass carp have significantly controlled problem aquatic vegetation during a 3-year study in a northern Colorado irrigation canal where water temperatures ranged from 0 to 25?C....

Drought in Tennessee: Implications on Irrigation System Capacity
Recent droughts in Tennessee have led to a study of the required irrigation system capacity for the state. Data from 1951 through 1988 were analyzed for probabilities of precipitation...





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