Managing the Alaska Pipeline Project
At one point in the mid-1970s, construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) was in big trouble�months behind and millions over budget. A major reorganization of the structure...
Why Work Abroad
Many engineering firms send staff overseas, and more are planning to enter the international market of exporting expertise. Advantages gained by the individual and his or her family must...
What's Wrong with U.S. Transportation Infrastructure�
Federal spending for public works is being cut back. State, county and city administrations will have to bear a larger share of the load. In the case of railroads, in some areas, track...
EPA's I/A Program Speeds Use of New Wastewater Treatment Methods
Because Congress felt there wasn't enough cost- and energy-saving innovations taking place in the environmental field, it launched the innovative and alternative technologies...
Dallas College Features Load-Bearing Brick Cavity Walls
A unique concept in masonry design and construction was developed for the Brookhaven College campus in Dallas, Texas. Centering on the use of prefabricated reinforced brick panels and...
Liberal Studies and Civil Engineering: A Modest Proposal
To understand the world in this time of complex technologies and highly specialized disciplines requires a generalist training as the foundation for a profession. Alienation of individuals...
Concrete-pavement Recycling could Slash Rehab Costs 30%
During the past few years, the recycling of highway pavements, especially asphalt pavements, has been in the news. Yet one promising development has drawn little attention: the recycling...
Structural Failures
A relatively few, spectacular failures of new buildings have caught the public attention. Despite the publicity, the track record of structural designers is generally outstanding. Nevertheless,...
Employee Appraisals: Define and Motivate High Standards of Performance
The committee on Engineering Management at the Individual Level (EMIL) conducted a survey of civil engineering consulting firms' employee appraisal programs. The purpose of...
Major Changes Ahead in the Nation's Water Cleanup Program
The federal budget squeeze is about to bring some sweeping changes in the nation's water clean-up program. The federal construction grants program will very likely be phased...
Vacuum Sewers�� the Future for Sewage Collection�
Patented in the 19th Century, vacuum sewers are making a comeback. Vacuum is created and maintained at a central collection station and extended, through a network of collecting pipes,...
The Engineer as Expert Witness
Increased specialization in technical fields and the increasingly litigious nature of our society have resulted in a great deal of collaboration between lawyers and engineers in litigation...
Stopping Water with Chemical Grout
New chemical grouts are now available to repair sewer leaks, control groundwater movement, and stabilize incompetent soils. Some of these grouts came into being only after the American...
Mix Design Formulas for Recycled Hot-Asphalt Plant Mixtures
The design of recycled asphalt paving mixtures is compounded by the amount of asphalt and its properties in the reclaimed asphalt pavement. Formulas are presented for proportioning the...
Stop the World-- I Want to Get Off!
The essays that won first and third prizes in the 1981 Essay Contest are presented. The first-prize essay, by John Huston, is entitled Stop the world�� I want to get off. It is a satire...
Guide to Right-of-Way Survey Practices
Guidelines are described for right of way surveys with regard to properly executed research, field surveys, monumentation, platting and recording of plats, and descriptions by trained...
Consulting Engineering
A Guide for the Engagement of Engineering Services
The purpose of this manual is to outline the functions of the consulting engineer in serving a client, the types of services usually offered, the various methods of determining compensation...
Long Span Roof Structures
The papers included in these proceedings treat a wide range of technical topics related to long span roof structures including new structural concepts, structural stability, the effects...
Drilled Piers and Caissons
Drilled piers, also called drilled caissons, drilled shafts, bored piles, and cast-in-situ piles, have recently undergone a period of growth in their use as foundation bearing elements,...
A Guide to Urban Arterial Systems
The urban arterial system, a link between freeways and local streets, provides for the efficient collection, distribution, and transition of traffic among freeways, collector streets,...
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