Applying TRANPLAN to Assist Air Quality Impact Analysis
Environmental analysts have been using the plotting capabilities of TRANPLAN, a transportation planning software package, to facilitate the analysis of air quality impacts of the Boston...

Graphics Display of Convoy Movements
U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) is sponsoring the development of a Convoy Mobilization Automated Support System (MASS) to be used during routine planning and exercise movements for...

Microcomputer Capabilities for Trip Table Estimation and Peak Hour Assignments which Consider Peak Spreading
The microcomputer-based TRANPLAN transportation planning package has been expanded to include a trip table estimation procedure and an equilibrium traffic assignment model which simulates...

Microcomputer Tools for Small Area Planning Analysis
A microcomputer software concept is presented which integrates the traffic engineering and planning functions of traffic impact studies. A collection of suggested ideas for better integration...

Microcomputer Applications in the Development of a Traffic Operations Control Center
There is a growing need for new methods to maximize highway transportation operations, and a growing set of tools for the engineer to use in this task. This report examines one specific...

TRAF-EDIT: An Interactive Data Editor for the TRAF Simulation System
This paper describes TRAF-EDIT, an interactive data entry/editing program for the TRAF simulation system. TRAF-EDIT will provide the user with the capability of creating an input data...

The Integrated Traffic Data System
Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a microcomputer-based system designed to allow traffic engineers to store, maintain and update traffic network information in a centralized data...

Traffic Simulation at Unsignalized Intersections Using GPSS
This paper develops a simulation model, based on actual field data, that simulates the minor street left turn movement at a STOP-controlled T-intersection. This simulation model predicts...

Traffic Simulation and its Graphic Presentations
A computer simulation program for traffic signal timing design was developed. The program can provide some appealing graphic presentations not only of input data but also of output results....

Microcomputer Model for Estimating LOS on Urban and Suburban Arterials
In the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) [1], level of service (LOS) designation for urban and suburban arterials is predicted on the average travel speed by section and for the entire...

Knowledge Based Expert Systems for Post-Incident Freeway Traffic Control
A knowledge based expert system for rerouting traffic upstream of an accident or other capacity-reducing incident on a freeway network is developed and compared with results obtained using...

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

World Bank's HDM-PC: A Microcomputer Aid for Road Planning and Management
HDM-PC, a microcomputer adaptation of the mainframe Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III), is a powerful analytical tool for the engineering-economic evaluation of road...

Arterial Traffic Flow in Construction Zones
Previously, NETSIM (NETwork SIMulation model) was the only available simulation model that could investigate a wide mix of traffic control and traffic management strategies for a network...

Validation of a Traffic Modeling System for Detour Planning
The Downtown Seattle Transit Project (DSTP) was initiated as an effort to relieve existing traffic congestion in downtown Seattle. It consists primarily of a 1.3-mile electric-bus tunnel...

Estimating Toll Diversion for Beltways
The proposed E-470 beltway is a 48-mile circumferential highway which will connect major public and private developments east of the Denver metropolitan area as well as the new Denver...

Microcomputer Financial Planning for Transportation
This paper describes the development, testing, and application of a microcomputer financial analysis model called the Transit and Highway Revenues and Improvement Forecasting Templates...

Transit Route Planning Using Data Downloaded from UTPS
A comprehensive evaluation of alternative bus routing and service patterns was recently performed for the Alameda-Contra Costa (AC) Transit District, the principal public transit operator...

Incorporating Risk Analysis Into Spreadsheet Forecasts
The risk analysis technique presented overcomes the difficulties of sensitivity analysis by entering key input variables as probability distributions, rather than as discreet values. Using...

Advances in Trip Matrix Estimation
The derivation of Origin-Destination (O-D) trip matrices is a vital component of much transportation planning. Obtaining accurate O-D data often poses a challenge on account of the large...





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