Long-Term Shoreline Change of the Chandeleur Islands Barrier System, Louisiana: 1855 to 1989
The Chandeleur Islands are the largest barrier island system along the Mississippi River delta plain, and are characterized by low-profile, washover-dominated barriers that are rapidly...

Vaquita: Its Environment, Biology and Problematic
Vaquita is an endemic porpoise of the gulf of California. A general overview of this unique marginal sea, which has been described as one of the most productive regions of the world oceans,...

Environmental Planning in Baja California, Mexico: A Methodological Approach
The conservation of biodiversity and natural systems has led to a growing attraction for improved conservation practices and planning in the last ten years. According to Soule (1991),...

Development and Modern Dynamics of Alluvial-Accumulative Coasts of the Eastern Black Sea
River regime, river sediment and wave processes are greatly important in the alluvial accumulative coast evolution. The Black Sea coast of the Georgia may be a good example of such coast...

Influence of River Mouth Migrations on the Caucasian Black Sea Coast Development
When studying modern coastal and river-issue processes and comparing last century and modern maps some regularities were revealed. River arms, which are upstream the longitudinal sediment...

Pitzunda Peninsula Coast Dynamics
The dynamics of Pitzunda Peninsula during last 100 years is examined in this paper. The process of sediment shift and coastline evolution during last 30 years is considered in detail....

Specific Features of the Russian Black Sea Coast Dynamics and Morphology (Kerch Strait?Psou River Mouth)
The general contour of the Russian Black sea Coast was formed during the last transgression. Definite dependence can be treated between the modern coastline configuration and transformations...

Specific Features of Shoreline Development in Sochi Region and Engineering Methods of Coast Protection
A coast segment from Tuapse City to the Psou River, 113 km long, is extended in this paper. Geological description of the coast has been made, and approximate values of the abrasion rate...

Modern Fluxes of Suspended Matter in the Caucasian Black Sea Coastal Zone
In 1989-1991 bottom fluzes of suspended matter were measured in the Black Sea costal zone. Sedimentary traps (mouth area 1194 cm) were placed in 16 points between Novorossiysk and Sochi....

The Specific Features of Modern Dynamics and Coast Structure of the Black Sea Within Romania
The Romanian Black Sea coasts are studied inadequately in comparison with Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, and Bulgarian coasts. Abundant data have been collected in the Danube delta. The...

Detached Breakwaters for Beach Protection
This paper investigates detached breakwaters for beach protection. The equilibrium beach profile, onshore-offshore transport, and longshore sediment transport are also discussed. The Nile...

Water Quality Management in the Southern North Sea
The inhomogeneous spatial distribution of the water and (suspended) sediments quality in the southern North Sea is determined mainly by the specific transport and mixing of water masses....

Water Quality of the Wadden Sea
A brief overview will be given of the different sources of input to the Wadden Sea (rivers, land run-off, atmosphere, dumping). The specific problems encountered in comparing the different...

Shoreline Management of Eastern England
This paper gives a perspective on the length of coastline falling within the boundary of the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region (NRA) in respect of the shoreline management carried...

Case Studies for Coastal Protection: Dithmarschen; Eider Estuary; Sylt
Three cases along the Ger North Sea coast, north of the Elbe estuary are discussed. Land reclamation by building dikes started in the Dithmarschen-area almost eight hundred years ago....

Trace Metal Distribution in the Sediments of the Bight of Bonny, South Eastern Nigeria
Coastal sediments are important hosts for pollutant trace metals. The concentration and distributions of heavy metals depend on factors such as grain size of sediments, availability and...

The Management of Enclosed Coastal Water Bodies: The Need for a Framework for International Information Exchange
The planning and management of lagoons and enclosed bays is practiced around the world and the number of programs is increasing yearly as more coastal nations become involved in the rapidly...

The Management of Coastal Lagoons: The Approach of the Venice Safeguard Project
An overall design for the safeguarding of Venice from hydraulic risks and the re-establishment of the enviromental equilibrium of its Lagoon has been completed in 1992. The large number...

Indian River Lagoon Consensus Management, Florida
The Indian River Lagoon, Florida is a bar-built estuarine system extending along forty percent of Florida's Atlantic coast. While one of the earliest mapped features in North America,...

Designing the Framework for Coastal Mapping and Database Building in Support of a Coastal Zone Management Program: Nova Scotia, Canada
The Province of Nova Scotia has undertaken a program to manage its coastal zone. In support of this program it was recognized early in the process that comprehensive sets of data and information...





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