Designing the Framework for Coastal Mapping and Database Building in Support of a Coastal Zone Management Program: Nova Scotia, Canada
by C. B. Fay, Nova Scotia Land Use Committee, Halifax, Canada,L. MacNeill, Nova Scotia Land Use Committee, Halifax, Canada,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Coastlines of Canada
The Province of Nova Scotia has undertaken a program to manage its coastal zone. In support of this program it was recognized early in the process that comprehensive sets of data and information were prerequisites to a successful coastal zone management program. This paper discusses the establishment of the digital base map framework required in support of the program. The utility of geographic information systems (GIS) as a management tool is discussed briefly. The major point made in this paper is the need for a consistent and accurate base map framework on which to built subsequent thematic databases. Approaches to using existing geo referenced databases are discussed, as well as the requirement to interface, at the coastline, the land and marine database which have traditionally been treated separately. The selection of extant geo-referenced databases which are presently being created and maintained by other programs, provides an added impetus to the task of implementing the digital base map framework and the requisite thematic databases.
Subject Headings: Databases | Mapping | Information systems | Geographic information systems | Information management | Coastal management | Coastal processes | Canada | Nova Scotia
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