Sensitivity of Lifeline Response to Models for the Spatial Incoherence of the Seismic Ground Motions
The sensitivity of the response of above-ground and buried lifelines to different models describing the spatial variability of the seismic ground motions is examined. It is shown that...

Stress Wave Interaction in Finite Beam on Elastic Foundation
The short-time behavior of a finite Timeshenko beam on a Winkler foundation subjected to step and impulse loadings is presented. The transient behavior was analyzed by using the method...

Shear Flow Between Walls in Relative Motion
The paper reports on experiments on Couette flow, i.e., the shear-induced flow between surfaces which are in motion relative to each other. The novel aspect of the work is the appearance...

Evolution of Damage in Brazilian Test Using Holographic Interferometry
A common method for estimating the tensile strength of concrete is the Brazilian Test. The test is carried out by loading a cylinder on its side in diametral compression. Accodring to...

Harmonic Excitation of an Unconstrained Saturated Particle Bed
Past research on the flow of concentrated cohensinless mixtures have historically emphasized steady or quasi-steady motions while dynamic effects have received little attention in comparison....

Postbuckling Behavior of Stiffened Composite Shell Panels
The paper summarizes the current status of an ongoing study on the postbuckling behavior of thick and moderately thick composite stiffened shells. Axially compressed moderately thick panels...

Updating Dynamic Models and Their Associated Uncertainties for Structural Systems
The problem of updating a structural model and its associated uncertainties using dynamic test data is addressed, considering uncertainties which arise from measurement noise, modeling...

Systolic Anterior Motion of the Mitral Valve: In Vitro Flow Studies
Using an in-vitro approach, the goal of this study was to determine and to characterize the mechanism of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy....

Leakage Characteristics of the St. Jude Heart Valve
The requirement for anticoagulant therapy in patients implanted with mechanical heart valve prostheses is well known. A plausible explanation for this requirement is that the leakage flow...

Intra Vena Cava Balloon Pumping
An innovative prototype intravenous hollow-fiber oxygenator was developed in 1984 by B.G. Hattler. The device consisted of a microporous, hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator inserted into...

An Evaluation Study of Modified Mohr-Coulomb and Cap Models
Two failure criteria, namely Mohr-Coulomb and cap models, are considered in this paper with some modifications. Mohr-Coulomb theory is applied to concrete after stress and strain cut-offs...

Seismic Stability Analysis of Landfill
The failure mechanism of a waste containment system is not well understood due to the complexity and the heterogeneity of the system. The recent slope failure of the Kettleman Hills waste...

The Effective Stress Path for Soil at High Pressure
The effect of increasing stiffness in the soil skeleton on the effective stress path in undrained triaxial compression tests is experimentally examined and found to not be significant....

Constitutive Equation for Granular Material by Hypoelasticity
Constitutive equations for soil based upon the incremental theory of hypoelasticity are proposed in this paper to account for the stress path dependency and dilatant behavior of soil....

A Sphere Moving Down an Inclined Bumpy Surface
A sphere moving down a bumpy incline in the air is studied theoretically and experimentally. A method based on the principle of energy conservation is used to express the average velocity...

Shear Resistance Models for Concrete Bridges
Statistical models are developed for the shear resistance of concrete bridge girders. Two structural types are considered: reinforced concrete T-beams and prestressed concrete AASHTO girders....

Fluid Dynamics at the Carotid Bifurcation
Arterial wall distensibility is believed to be of secondary importance to the general flowfield of the human carotid artery. However, it has been reported that it may have greater influence...

Properties of Aggregate-Cement Interface for High Performance Concrete
An experimental study of the interfacial zone between aggregate and cement paste was undertaken. Various factors such as type of aggregate, treatment of aggregate surface, mixing process...

A Cumulative Failure Criterion of Concrete Under Uniaxial Dynamic Compressive Loading
It has been previously reported that the strength and critical strain of concrete under impact increase with strain rate, but neither of them can predict failure. A cumulative damage parameter...

Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concretes
This paper presents some of the initial results of a 4-year research project on mechanical properties of high performance concretes with particular reference to highway applications. High...





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