Issues Related to Modeling the Transport of Suspended Sediments in Northern San Francisco Bay, California
Measurements of suspended sediment concentrations at several deep-channel stations in San Francisco Bay are reviewed. Sediment concentrations are found to be strongly correlated with delta...

Boston's Backup Water Supply
For fifty years, Boston's sole real source of water has been the Hultman Aqueduct, but now final design is almost complete on the MetroWest Supply Tunnel, a new, larger conduit...

Directional Wave Data ? Measurements and Modeling Coast of Florida Erosion and Storm Effects Study
The U.S. Army of Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, and the Florida Department of Enviromental Protection are co-sponsors of a study to evaluate the coastal processes along the...

An Experimental and Analytical Study of the Shoreline Response to Non-Parallel Breakwaters in Oblique Waves
REsults of an experimental and analysis study single breakwaters on oblique waves are presented. Three orientations of the breakwaters are studied, those being parallel to the shoreline,...

Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS)
The Coastal Engineering Data Retrieval System (CEDRS) is a menu driven microcomputer resident database which provides both hindcast and measured wind and wave data for use in the field...

Modeling Bottom Friction in Wind-Wave Models
Effects of bottom friction in wind-wave models are investigated, with an emphasis on wave-induced bottom roughnesses (moveable-bed effects). A state-of-the-art bottom friction model is...

ASA.WAVES: An Interactive PC-based Wave Forecasting Tool
An interactive PC-based system for wave refraction-diffraction in coastal regions has been developed, based on a Mild-slope equation finite element wave model. The system includes an embedded...

Estimating Laboratory Wave Reflection Using Laser Doppler
Estimates of irregular wave reflection in two-dimensional laboratory wave tanks are typically accomplished using an array of spatially separated wave gauges. This paper presents a frequency...

Airport Terminal Design Challenges
In February 1989, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority began the process of designing and constructing a new terminal at Washington National Airport to address the needs of its...

Implementation of Elastic Layered Theory for Design of Unbonded Overlays
The U.S. Army and Air Force have implemented the elastic layered theory for design of unbonded overlays for rigid airfield pavements. The procedure allows for design of unbonded overlays...

Rail Service to Airports
Rail service is available at seven North American airports, and service is available by a shuttle bus connection at more than nine other North American airports. Additionally, rail service...

Rail-Air: A Multi-Modal Opportunity in a Changing World
The purpose of this Paper is to examine the applicability of rail links to major airports and the benefits they can bring. It will seek to identify the key success factors and the extent...

Switzerland: Rail Access to Airports and the Fly-Luggage System
Swissair and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) offer a unique service for air passengers travelling to and from their Swiss airport of departure or arrival. In conjunction with private...

Cost Considerations in Planning Pier Terminals
The deregulation of the air transport economy is gradually leading to the involvement of private developers in airport terminal financing. Even the airports run by government agencies...

Airports and Air Quality Issues - the European Perspective
This paper presents a detailed review of air quality studies at European Airports since 1986. It also provides a brief analysis of the air quality section of a recent ACI (Europe) environmental...

Operational Interactive Hydrologic Forecasting with the National Weather Service River Forecast System
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) consists of several major hydrometeorologic subcomponents to model the physics of the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle....

BPA Realtime Hydrologic Forecasting System for the Columbia River Basin
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) markets and distributes the hydroelectric power produced at 30 federal projects in the Columbia River Basin. In order to plan the System's coordinated...

Optimization of Reservoir Releases to Control River Sedimentation Using Differential Dynamic Programming
A new methodology is developed to address sedimentation control in alluvial rivers downstream of reservoirs. An optimization model is posed as a discrete-time optimal control problem to...

The Effects of Spatial Resolution in Modeling the North Fork Drainage of the Gunnison River Basin
The U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) is a modular, distributed-parameter, watershed modeling system developed for use in evaluating the effects of climate...

Using Geographical Information Systems to Manage a Multipurpose Water Project
A Project Management System has been developed to manage resources in a Federal Water Project. The management system utilizes geographic information systems (GIS) technology to efficiently...





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