Total Sediment Loads of Tropical Rivers
Unmeasured and total sediment discharges were computed for 107 sets of data from the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers and their major tributaries. Unmeasured loads were generally small except...

Sedimentation and Flood Protection for the Lower Yellow River
The Lower Yellow River is known for its disastrous floods in the past. After 4 decades without major floodings, rapid economic and population growths along the River have drew concerns...

Development of San Gorgonio Pass Groundwater Flow Model I. Model Calibration
A groundwater flow model is being developed for use in management of a planned groundwater storage and recovery program for the Beaumont Storage Unit of the San Gorgonio Pass groundwater...

Federal Levee Effects on Flood Heights Near St. Louis
A physical model of the Middle Mississippi River was used to perform quantitative analyses of Federal levee effects on flood heights. Contrary to some opinions of the general public, these...

Engineering Geomorphology
Engineering geomorphology is the application of geologic and geomorphic principles to the solution of river engineering problems. Development of a process-based understanding of a problem...

Scour Analysis at Highway Structures
ASCE Manual 54 entitled, `Sedimentation Engineering' is being revised. In the revision, a chapter on `Scour at Highway Bridges' will be included. This paper will describe in general terms...

Multi-Disciplinary Strategies for Flood-Plain Restoration at the River Rhine
Within the scope of a multi-disciplinary concept, aims and measures of ecological and water resources management at the river Rhine in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) are analyzed. Especially,...

Mechanics of Riprap Movement in Tidal Flow
This analysis emphasizes the need to obtain data on the size and shape of riprap pieces as a function of movement, data which are surprisingly difficult to obtain from published studies....

Scour Analysis for Bridges over Missouri and Mississippi Rivers
Engineering services are being provided for three bridge crossings, two over the Missouri River and the other over the Mississippi River. Scour consideration for the bridged waterways...

Risk Analysis of River Bridge Failure
The proposed procedure to determine the risk of river bridge failure is based on observations and analysis of river bridge failure data of more than 300 U.S. bridges, 180 South African...

Stream Stability and Scour Training in Support of the NBIS
The Federal Highway Administration is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). To support the implementation...

Implementation of the NBIS Scour Evaluation Program?District 2, Florida
The Federal Highway Administration is now requiring a comprehensive evaluation of bridge scour as part of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). District 2, Florida Department...

Tidal Propagation in a Distorted Model
A largely analytical study of tidal flow in the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta system provides the basis of an investigation of physical model distortion on tidal circulation in a complicated...

Incipient Motion in Gravel-Bed Rivers
Incipient motion processes are reviewed for bed material in gravel-bed rivers. Prediction difficulties are identified. Research results are reported for field and flume studies to investigate...

Sediment Budgets in Gravel Bed Streams
A sediment budget/mass balance technique is presented for use in assessment of sediment transport by river reach in gravel bed streams. Selection of appropriate gravel bed transport equations,...

Weaver Bottoms Backwater Rehabilitation
Navigation channel dredge material was used to construct closure structures and islands in lower pool 5 on the Upper Mississippi River in 1986. Primary objectives included aquatic habitat...

Computer Aided Design and Cost Estimation of Gabion Lined Channels
Rivers are a dynamic part of the hydrologic cycle. Changes in discharge, flow depth, water velocity, and meander patterns contribute to this dynamic nature. As a result, portions of a...

Simulation of River Bed Evolution Below Tsengwen Reservoir in Taiwan
An uncoupled, one-dimensional river model, capable of simulating bed evolution, hydraulic sorting and armoring under unsteady flow conditions is presented in this paper. This unsteady...

On the Applicable Ranges of Kinematic and Diffusion Models in Open Channels
The kinematic and diffusion models using simplified momentum equations of the full dynamic equation have been frequently used for numerical flow simulations, because they have several...

Bed Sediments Size Changes, Atchafalaya River
During low flows of 1989 and 1991, we collected bed sediment samples from the thalwegs of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to Head of Passes and along the Atchafalaya River...





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