CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...

Safety Performance Evaluation of 21st Century Appurtenances
A great deal has occurred in the highway safety field in the last 15 years: there have been societal changes which have altered the character of the vehicle fleet; there have been technological...

Graduate Education and Highway Research Needs in the 21st Century
A number of significant challenges face highway engineers in the 21st Century. Large growths in traffic volumes and alarming increases in congestion are already problems in many of our...

Application in the 21st Century of Today's Technology in Resolving Congestion
Traffic engineers of the 21st century will have a number of new tools to attack traffic congestion. High technology solutions will begin to emerge as means of increasing the effectiveness...

Future Driver and Vehicle Characteristics and Their Influence on Highway Design for Safety
Both driver and vehicle characteristics are changing, and these characteristics will continue to change into the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to identify the major changes...

Safety and Operations Related to Geometrics for 21st Century Highways
Highways designed for the next century must reflect the knowledge gained from research on safety and operations conducted over the last 20 years. Assuming that recent trends toward emphasis...

National Workshop on Highway Research: A Summary
This paper is a summary of national workshop on highway research. Traffic is expected to increase in the future, worsening an already critical urban congestion problem. What are needed...

Traffic and Safety Research Payoffs
This paper reviews contributions to the practice of transportation engineering by research in the traffic and safety area. Brief overviews are provided in the area of traffic operations...

Research for 21st Century Highways
The national highway community is looking into the 21st Century to anticipate the needs that will be placed on highways over the next 3 decades. The view suggests that new technology will...

Preparations for the Future?The European Highway Community
The need for infrastructural capacity in the future in Europe has been investigated by the European Conference of Ministers of Transport - ECMT. The principal traffic considered was international...

Engineering 21st Century Highways
The conference on Engineering 21st Century Highways focuses on the needs or highway transportation in the 21st century and explores near term decisions and activities required in the next...

Computers Board Equipment
Construction equipment is slowly being automated, either with remotely operated radio controls or by on-board computers that control repetitive tasks. Contractors in the United States...

Crossing A Freeway
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle is being constructed on air rights spanning Interstate-5, adjacent to the seven acre Freeway Park that also spans the highway....

Environmental Impacts of Arctic Marine Transportation: Addressing the Issues through Research and the Provision of Advice
The prospect of numerous transits of the Canadian Northwest Passage and other northern waters by icebreaking tankers raises various environmental issues. This paper reviews the growth...

Inlet Dredging Production as a Function of Sea State
This paper attempts to explain some of the inaccuracies and discrepancies in present methods of measuring dredging volumes and looks at a comparison of measured dredge volumes to natural...

Can Alaskan Caribou and Oil Development Coexist?
The coastal area near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska is becoming increasingly industrialized as oil development continues. This same coastal area is an important area to a caribou herd known as the...

Caribou Mitigation in an Arctic Oilfield
The Kuparuk oilfield on the Arctic coastal plain of Alaska is in an area of traditional summer use by the Central Arctic Caribou Herd, who use it for calving, feeding, and insect relief....

Coastal Zone Management Practices, Northwest Brittany, France
Over the entire coast of Brittany, three government programs have sponsored over 81. 9 million francs (6 ff equals US1, approx. ) of coastal-related programs since 1968. Projects vary...

Assessment of Pore Fluid Effects Using Flexible Wall and Consolidation Permeameters
Hydraulic conductivity tests were conducted on compacted soil specimens prepared at activities of 0. 36, 0. 60, 1. 00 and 1. 39 at a fine fraction of 25 percent. Na-montmorillonite, Georgia...

Planning by Database
Denver's Stapleton International Airport cannot handle the growing volume of air traffic and will be replaced by an entirely new $3 billion Denver Metropolitan International...





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