Graduate Education and Highway Research Needs in the 21st Century
by Donna C. Nelson, Purdue Univ, United States,Kumares C. Sinha, Purdue Univ, United States,
Harold l. Michael, Purdue Univ, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Engineering 21st Century Highways
A number of significant challenges face highway engineers in the 21st Century. Large growths in traffic volumes and alarming increases in congestion are already problems in many of our urban areas. Highway engineers will be expected to find ways of increasing capacity and efficiency, at reduced costs. This paper addresses the future directions that graduate education and research should take to fill the needs in highway engineering in the 21st century. Highway engineers will have an increased emphasis on the application of new technologies. Some of the areas we have identified are: the development and application of new materials, increased computerization of the design and planning processes, increased use of electronics and computer control methods in traffic control and management, increased use of robotics in highway construction and maintenance, and advances in the automation of the highway system.
Subject Headings: Highway engineering | Engineering education | Traffic engineering | Systems engineering | Intelligent transportation systems | Infrastructure construction | Highway and road management
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