Comprehensive Leak Detection Survey and Benefit/Cost Analysis
Fort Carson, Colorado was the site of a comprehensive leak detection investigation of the potable water system with the express purpose of quantifying the benefits to be derived by a military...

Preparing a Safety Analysis Report Using the Building Block Approach
The credibility of the applicant in a licensing proceeding is severely impacted by the quality of the license application, particularly the Safety Analysis Report. An incomplete, unintelligible,...

Building of a Conceptual Model at the UE25-C Hole Complex
U.S. Geological Survey and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory are attempting to construct a conceptual model of the UE25-c hole complex. An interdisciplinary approach is discussed where all...

Tomographic Geophysics for Better Subsurface Geologic Information
Geologic skepticism among engineers owes much of its origin to common ambigueties in geologic interpretations and the innate artistic aspects of geology and its related diciplines. Geophysical...

Uranium-Series Dating of Secondary Carbonates Near Yucca Mountain, Nevada: Applications to Tectonic, Paleoclimatic, and Paleohydrologic Problems
Near-surface accumulations of secondary carbonates are common in the soils and sediments of the Yucca Mountain area. These carbonates contain small amounts of uranium that allow dating...

Evaluation Plus History Equals Sewer Renovation
Sewers built in the 1920's were overflowing in the Fort Worth Zoo after moderate rain events. Data from A Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES), plus the Maintenance History...

A Travel Time Template for Water Body Field Surveys
A LOTUS 1-2-3 spreadsheet application has been developed to help plan water body surveys. The template calculates travel times between sampling stations and outputs a time schedule for...

Contributions of Satellite Imagery to Water Resource Evaluations
Satellite images may also facilitate the development and maintenance of regional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by providing both a source of base map creation and update, as well...

Ship It By GIS
Abkowitz, Cheng and Lepotsky describe a GIS system for routing hazardous materials shipments. The safe transport of hazardous materials is emerging as a significant concern impacting local,...

Application of Interactive Videodisc for Work Zone Traffic Control Training
This paper describes the development of the Interactive Videodisc Training (IVT) system and a training course on work zone traffic control. The IVT system uses a microcomputer-controlled...

Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the new frontiers for microcomputers in transportation. There are AI applications emerging in all areas from planning to maintenance. This paper...

Regional Traffic Assessment for Major Growth
This paper presents the methodology and findings of a major regional transportation analysis. The results of the study lead to the development of a Transportation Improvement Plan for...

Tri-County Based Travel Demand Forecasting Analyses in the Tampa Bay Area, State of Florida
This paper describes the application of the micro-computer compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) to estimate traffic volume for the purpose...

Focused Model Approach for Corridors and Subareas
A focused modeling approach utilizes calibrated model parameters and inputs from a regional model, yet allows the flexibility to quickly test land use, network and other policy alternatives....

Evaluation of Microcomputer Traffic Forecasting Models: The Michigan Experience
The paper describes results of the needs assessment for modelling software of Michigan's thirteen '3C' areas, criteria used to compare software capabilities...

A Comparative Analysis of Microcomputer and Mainframe Computer Based Modeling Systems
This paper presents a comparative analyses of the Microcomputer Compatible Florida Standard Urban Transportation Modeling Structure (Micro-FSUTMS) performance with its UTPS mainframe computer-based...

Applying TRANPLAN to Assist Air Quality Impact Analysis
Environmental analysts have been using the plotting capabilities of TRANPLAN, a transportation planning software package, to facilitate the analysis of air quality impacts of the Boston...

A Package for Travel Demand Forecasting on The Macintosh
This paper introduced a package which may be the first to be developed for travel demand forecasting on the Macintosh. Features of the package and its capabilities are demonstrated through...

Microcomputer Capabilities for Trip Table Estimation and Peak Hour Assignments which Consider Peak Spreading
The microcomputer-based TRANPLAN transportation planning package has been expanded to include a trip table estimation procedure and an equilibrium traffic assignment model which simulates...

Microcomputer Tools for Small Area Planning Analysis
A microcomputer software concept is presented which integrates the traffic engineering and planning functions of traffic impact studies. A collection of suggested ideas for better integration...





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