Sustained Yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin
The sustained yield of the Provo Groundwater Basin has been determined by a correlation analysis of the change in groundwater levels with the April-October stream flow at the mouth of...

Optimizing Conjunctive Water Use in a Dynamic Stream-Aquifer System with US/REMAX
Long-term water management planning models frequently use large time steps and must employ fairly crude assumptions (such as average climatic conditions, etc.). Managing stream aquifer...

Water Distribution Plan Utah Lake/Jordan River Basin
The Utah Lake/Jordan River basin is comprised of several river systems that are hydrologically related but, for the most part, have been managed and operated separately. To further complicate...

Ground Water Management for Wellhead Protection in a Confined to Semiconfined Aquifer, Salt Lake County, Utah
The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) established the first nation-wide program to protect ground water resources used for public water supplies. The SDWA seeks to...

Application of Distributed Parameter Watershed Model for Determining the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources
Projected scenarios of climate change are likely to have significant effects on hydrology and water resources in the semi-arid western United States. The paper describes the application...

Climate Change: Is Trouble Ahead for Water Engineers?
Very long range forecasts of future global warming from 2 to 5?C have been made as a result of the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the atmosphere due to man's activities....

The Integration and Management of Ground- and Surface-Water Resources for Drought Response in New Castle County, Delaware
This paper reports on a program for the integration and management of ground- and surface-water resources for drought management purposes in the southeastern area of the Commonwealth of...

The AGWATER computer program is an interactive learning, teaching, and pre-season evaluation tool regarding agricultural irrigation. It combines the concepts of irrigation scheduling,...

FLUME 3.0: A Computer Program for Designing Flumes and Weirs
Long-throated flumes and broad-crested weirs are becoming the preferred measuring devices for use in irrigation canals. A computer program for calibrating these flumes and weirs has been...

Revision of Oregon Crop Water Use and Irrigation Requirements
A project to revise the crop water use estimates and irrigation requirements for the state at Oregon is described. The FAO modified Blaney-Criddle method was applied in this project since...

SCS Methods for Determining Irrigation Water Requirements
Technical Release No. 21 (USDA-SCS, 1970) has been used in the U.S. and around the world to design and manage irrigation projects. However, many advancements in predicting crop water use...

Streamflow Depletions and Water Transfers in Idaho
In the state of Idaho, streamflow depletions are quantified utilizing parameters of rate of flow, total volume diverted, and volume consumptively used. This paper summarizes the engineering...

Evaluating the Facts in Water Right Changes
Under the western system of appropriation water rights may be separated from the land and the time, type and place of use changed. Such changes are governed by the principle that there...

Hydrological Impacts of a California Water Transfer
Conaway Ranch, located in Yolo County, California, transferred water to the California Emergency Drought Water Bank (Water Bank) in 1991 and 1992. Water for these transfers was generated...

Water Penetration Manual for California Soils
Slow water penetration in irrigated soils is a complex problem of major importance in California's $18 billion agricultural industry. The Kearney Foundation of Soil Science chose to work...

California Water Issues?Bay-Delta Hearings?Impacts on State Water Project
The State Water Resources Control Board's impending Decision 1630 is described along with its potentially substantial impacts on California's water supplies. Department of Water Resources...

Issues in Balancing Environmental Costs and Benefits in Water Resources Planning
Water projects differ in their physical and economic characteristics and their environmental impacts. Many environmental impacts are addressed through project design and these associated...

Establishing a Drought Reserve Policy for the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
The Monterey Peninsula Water Management District was created by the California Legislature in 1977 for the purpose of developing an integrated management program for all of the water resources...

Regulatory Obstacles to Emergency Response, A Case Study of the Paint Fire, June 1990, Santa Barbara, California
After the Paint Fire of 1990, the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District took several measures to prevent damage due to mudslides and floods from the burned...

Is There a Future for Desalting in Meeting California's Water Needs?
This paper addresses the potential role of desalting reclaimed, brackish, and sea waters for use in meeting California's water needs. Brief descriptions of sources and costs are included....





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