California Water Issues?Bay-Delta Hearings?Impacts on State Water Project
by Edward F. Huntley, California Dep of Water Resources, Sacramento, United States,Edward D. Winkler, California Dep of Water Resources, Sacramento, United States,
Document Type: Proceeding Paper
Part of: Hydraulic Engineering
The State Water Resources Control Board's impending Decision 1630 is described along with its potentially substantial impacts on California's water supplies. Department of Water Resources operation studies indicate that the Decision would reallocate about 900 TAF/year from existing uses to Bay-Delta environmental uses. Given that the State Water Project can only meet current demands 40 percent of the time, future shortages will be more frequent and more severe.
Subject Headings: Water resources | Water supply | Water shortage | Water policy | Water management | Estuaries | Project management | California | United States
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