Development of an Estuary-Wide Mitigation Strategy for Future
The Tampa Port Authority has been active in the regional bay study committee which identified two priority needs which relate very directly to the port's long-term development...

Dredged Material Disposal Modeling - Chesapeake Bay
A plan to deepen the approach channels to Baltimore Harbor from 42 feet to 50 feet involves in part the overboard disposal of about 9. 5 million cubic yards of dredged material in the...

An Offshore Mound Constructed of Dredged Material
The concept of using dredged material to intentionally construct an underwater mound was tested and confirmed at the Dam Neck Disposal Site, 4 miles offshore Virginia Beach, Virginia....

Planning and Management of Disposal Areas
Passage of the Clean Water Act of 1977 required federal agencies to obtain either water quality certification or a waiver from the state for the discharge of dredged or fill material into...

Shoaling Problems and Improvements Sunny Point, North Carolina
The Military Ocean Terminal, Sunny Point (MOTSU), is located on the Cape Fear River, approximately 18 miles downriver from Wilmington, North Carolina. The facility has experienced significant...

The Maryland Dredge and Fill Permit Process Handbook
Safe navigation in the waters of the State of Maryland is made possible, in part, by the continued maintenance dredging of the State's many ports and waterways. Dredging projects...

Toxic Contaminant Uptake in Dredged Sediment Marshes
Dredged sediments from the proposed enlargement of the Lower Mississippi River from Venice, Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico would be primarily utilized to create up to 28,000 hectares...

Case History: North Slope Alaska Hydraulic Dredging
Alaska's North Slope Borough, with the aid of dredging machinery consultant Michael Weston, and geotechnical consultant Rittenhouse-Zeman & Associates, has pioneered...

Environmental Management Problems of Dredged Material Islands in the Tampa Bay Area
Between 1977 and 1982, four new islands were created in Hillsborough Bay as part of the Tampa Harbor Deepening Project. The islands are now 3-7 years old. They exhibit striking differences...

Dredge Automation: The State-of-the-Art
Automated control systems are being developed and applied to enhance the productivity and cost-effectiveness of dredges. Referring particularly to hydraulic type dredging plants, the functions...

Design of Monroe Harbor, MI Confined Disposal Facility
Confined disposal of polluted maintenance dredgings in the Great Lakes was authorized due to the 'closed system' nature of the receiving waters. Each harbor judged...

Use of Scientific Data for Management of Dredged Material Disposal in New England
Management of dredge material disposal in New England is closely attuned to regulatory mandates and is significantly supported by scientific findings and contributions of the Disposal...

Dredging as a Remedial Method for a Superfund Site
Remedial action at the Commencement Bay Nearshore/Tideflats Superfund Site, in the State of Washington, is expected to include dredging and disposal of contaminated sediments located in...

Regulation: The Unsolved Dilemma
Over the years, the impact of governmental regulatory agencies has severely restricted industrial and commercial development in southern New Jersey. Recent Federal reviews of these regulations...

Impact and Mitigation: LA/LB Landfill Plan
Mitigation planning in U. S. ports has primarily been on a project by project basis, an approach that is costly and ineffective. This paper reports on a biological impact assessment and...

Upland Disposal of Dredged Material at Liberty State Park
The development of a State Park along the waterfront of Jersey City, New Jersey, immediately to the west of the Statue of Liberty National Monument, required the reshaping of the existing...

Strip Mine Reclamation Using Dredged Material
This alternative was investigated through the creation of a field study to demonstrate the feasibility of using a cover of dewatered dredged material to reclaim surface mine deposits....

Dredging in a Stratified Estuary
Grays Harbor is a moderately stratified estuary on the Washington coast. During the summer of 1983, while hopper dredges worked the upper reaches of the estuary, extensive water quality...

Alaskan Harbor Plan Features to Reduce Dredging Costs
The high cost of construction and maintenance of harbors in remote rural areas of Alaska has provided unique challenges to coastal engineers and harbor planners in designing affordable...

Development of the Dredging Wheel
The 'bucket line' dredge and 'cutter suction' dredge are two distinct types of equipment. The cutter suction system has developed more...





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