Goals of Civil Engineering Research
Its Responsiveness to the Needs. Desired, and Aspiration of Man
Proceedings of the 1971 ASCE Research Conference, held at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana and sponsored by the National Science Foundation, September 1-4,...
Safety and Reliability of Metal Structures
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Safety and Reliability of Metal Structures, held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 2-3, 1972. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil...
The Use of Underground Space to Achieve national Goals
The basic purpose of this study was to identify opportunities for advancing national goals and overcoming urgent problems through increased use of underground construction. A long range...
Planning and Design of Tall Buildings
Introduction, Conference Record, Indexes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, held at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, August 21-26, 1972. Sponsored by the American...
Plastic Design in Steel
A Guide and Commentary
This manual,
Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers
The purpose of this report,
Survey of Current Structural Research
The purpose of this report,
Electronic Computation 1970
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Electronic Computation held at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, August 31 September 2, 1970. Sponsored by the Committee on Electronic computation...
Civil Engineering in the Oceans II
Proceedings of the ASCE Conference Civil Engineering in the Oceans, held in Miami Beach, Florida, December 10-12, 1969. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers Hydraulics...
Abstracts of Papers from Civil Engineering in the Oceans II
Abstract only. Proceedings of the ASCE Conference Civil Engineering in the Oceans, held in Miami Beach, Florida, December 10-12, 1969. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers...
An Analysis of National Basic Information Needs in Urban Hydrology
Structural Plastics
Properties and Possibilities
Proceedings of a Symposium at the National Structural Engineering Meeting held in Louisville, Kentucky, 1969. Sponsored by the Committee on Plastics of the Structural Division of the American...
Placement and Improvement of Soil to Support Structures
Proceedings of the conference held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 26-28, 1968. Sponsored by the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers....
Professional Practice of Structural Engineering of Buildings? Supplement to Consulting Engineering
A Guide for the Engagement of Engineering Services
Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects
This manual,
Private Practice of Civil Engineering
This manual,
Design of Cylindrical Concrete Shell Roofs
A.S.T.M. Specifications and Methods of Test
This document,
Timber Piles and Construction Timbers
Erection of Steel Buildings
Accepted Good Practice in the Selection of Plant and Methods
The data and directions in this manual,
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