The Use of Underground Space to Achieve national Goals

by Robert F. Baker,
David A. Day,
Neal FitzSimons,
Duane W. Hill,
Richard M. Michaels,
Herbert G. Poertner,
Michael C. Wilkinson,

American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY
978-0-87262-045-2 (ISBN-13) | 0-87262-045-X (ISBN-10), 1972, Soft Cover, Pg. 335
Report of A Program for Improving the Effectiveness of Underground Construction, Conducted by Underground Construction Research Council, ASCE in cooperation with American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers
Out of Print: Not available at ASCE Bookstore.

Document Type: Book


The basic purpose of this study was to identify opportunities for advancing national goals and overcoming urgent problems through increased use of underground construction. A long range national program to transfer most life-support facilities to the underground would provide significant social. Economic and environmental benefits.

Subject Headings: Underground structures | Underground construction | Space life support systems | Social factors | Economic factors


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