Small Hydropower Potential in Missouri
The hydropower potential of small head plants on the Gasconade River was investigated. Since, it is felt that small head plants will have less environmental impact, thus it will be more...

Selection of Small Hydro Project Sites
In the course of studying nearly forty areas in Peru to identify possible sites for small hydro development and in order to select the best in each area for detailed design, the Authors...

Criteria for Selecting Turbine-Pumps Used in Mini-Hydro Power Units
The present paper is aimed at studying turbine-pump units operating at low heads. The proposed methodology is based on the global matching of the turbine and the pump so that both will...

A Marine Thruster in Small Scale Hydropower
A 70 kW hydroelectric plant utilizing a marine thruster as a turbine was commissioned in May, 1985. The thruster, the construction management, the site conditions and the testing program...

Development of Two Plants on California Canals
The projects utilize the head drop between canals on the system of the Central California Irrigation District (CCID. ) The projects utilize the elevation difference between the District's...

Low Head Hydroelectric Development on Madera Canal
The Madera-Chowchilla Power Authority with cooperation from the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation has been successful in the development of four hydroelectric plants at five head drops on the...

Two New Machines for Ultra Low-Head Hydropower
This paper outlines the development of two new types of positive displacement ultra low-head hydropower machines, the AUR Water Engine (AURWE) and the Salford Transverse Oscillator (STO)....

Crooke's Falls Small Hydro: A Case History
The paper discusses the background, financing, licensing and other aspects of hydroelectric power plant development at Crooke's Falls, Colorado....

Case Study?Wyre Wynd Hydroelectric Project
To combat rising energy costs, Southwire Company, a manufacturer of wire and cable products headquartered in Carrollton, Georgia, began generating its own electrical power at the company's...

Operation of the Annapolis Tidal Straflo Unit
The Annapolis Tidal Generating Station, located at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, is the first plant in North America to generate electricity by Tidal action. The facility, rated at 19....

A New Turgo Turbine in China
In this paper a special runner bucket of the new Turgo turbine is illustrated and a comparison is made between the characteristics of the new Turgo and the ordinary Turgo turbine with...

Rim-Drive Turbine for Low Head Applications
A turbine design and testing program was undertaken with the objective of developing a standardized turbine/generator arrangement that would be well suited to the 10 to 30 foot head range....

Economic Analysis of Low Head Hydropower Projects
A typical low head hydropower project is described and used as an example of the effect of tailwater on power generation. The discharge characteristics of upstream facilities, pool regulation...

The PowerBarge?Portable Hydro for the Third World
The PowerBarge concept consists of a floating intake, siphon penstock, and floating generating station for use at new or existing low-head dams. Apart from access, mooring facilities,...

Optimization of Low Head Hydro Equipment
In this paper, we will limit our purpose to the presentation of the different types of turbines that CE/Neyrpic proposes for low head power plants, for run of the river operations. We...

Small Kaplan Versus Tubular and Francis Turbines
Mossefossen Power Plant is situated in the centre of the small town Moss in the southern part of Norway. Water flows from an existing dam through a 9 m**2, 175m long tunnel to the powerhouse...

Design Criteria for Generators in Low-Head Hydro-Power Plants
Principal characteristics and design features of such generators are discussed and options and preferences in their selection mentioned. Effects on inertia constant, efficiency, reactive...

Index Testing?Relative Turbine Performance
The Index method of testing hydraulic turbines consists of making a test in which the value of power output and head are measured and in which the quantities of water and velocity head...

Control System Design Considerations for Small Hydro Projects
This paper deals with the philosophy that must be embraced when specifying a fast track small hydro project. The major areas discussed are: the role of control systems in the context of...

Galt Energy's Inverted Siphon System
Galt Energy Systems' involvement with attempting to standardize the civil component began with studies at small remote sites in Northern Ontario. The system design evolved...





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