Dealing with Construction People (The People Side of Construction Profits)
The people side of producing construction job profits is usually tied to quantitative measures of craft productivity, morale and quests for quality. At the same time that people usually...

Value Engineered Construction
Value Engineering provides us with a systematic approach for looking at design and construction projects with an eye to cost cutting while maintaining or improving value, however value...

Construction Communications?What the Contractor Has to Write: And How
Only zero defects in scheduling, cost control, and specification compliance can maximize construction business profits. You can never produce a perfect project, but by clear, uncomplicated,...

Elements of an Effective Inspection Program
Construction is an industry whose very success is highly dependent on the people involved. It follows then that a key element in any effective inspection program is the people who make...

Responsibility and Liability of Inspection
There is much confusion over who is responsible for inspection of construction. This paper argues that the designer is the most appropriate individual to inspect the work. The designer...

Determining the Optimum Level of Quality Management Effort
Quality management is an essential factor in construction project success. Determining the appropriate level of quality management effort remains a challenging managerial decision. A discussion...

Construction Inspection in South Carolina
The paper will discuss the experience of the South Carolina Department of Transportation in the use of consulting engineering firms on bridge construction projects. A review of the current...

Consultant Construction Engineering and Inspection Practices Within the Florida Department of Transportation
This paper presents an overview of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) approach to a program utilizing Construction Consultant Construction Engineering and Inspection (C-CEI)....

Construction Inspection Responsibility from the Viewpoint of a General Contractor and Construction Manager on a GMP Project
Absent local laws to the contrary, any member of the construction team, the Owner, Architect, or Contractor, can theoretically arrange for and provide any testing and inspection that may...

Contractor Inspection
Partnering between the owner, architect-engineer (A-E) and construction contractor creates an environment which facilitates the successful completion of quality construction. Each participant...

Introduction to Immersed Tube Tunneling Symposium
Today's Symposium on Immersed Tube Tunneling is a continuation of a series of papers that began at Construction Congress '89 with discussion of mined tunnel subaqueous...

Central Artery (I-93)/Tunnel (I-90) Project
This paper is intended to provide an overview of the Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project (CA/T) Project; a $4.9 billion USD interstate highway constructed underground through a densely...

Geotechnical and Construction Aspects of the Immersed Tube Tunnel in Boston Harbor
An immersed tube tunnel (ITT) approximately 3,850 feet in length will be constructed as a part of the Central Artery/Tunnel Interstate Highway Project located in Boston, Massachusetts....

Seismic Design Issues for Immersed Tube Tunnels
This paper provides an overview of the issues and the state of the art techniques in the seismic design of immersed tube tunnels (ITT). Particular focus is given to the ITT presently planned...

Immersed Tube Tunnel, Boston, Massachusetts
A four-lane Immersed Tube Tunnel is planned for the crossing of Boston Harbor from the City of Boston to the Logan Airport area in East Boston. The immersed tube consists of 12 sections...

Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project?Fort Point Channel I-90 Tunnel Crossing
Part of the Central Artery and Third Harbor Tunnel Project involves the construction of a very unusual section of immersed tunnel. While the Third Harbor Tunnel which will cross Boston...

3D Computer Modeling & Animation for Marketing of Project Services
Three-dimensional (3D) computer modeling and animation are increasingly being utilized in the Engineering and Construction industry for the marketing of project services. Like 2D, 3D modeling...

Computer-Integrated Construction and the Building Life Cycle
This presentation will discuss the computer-integrated construction (CIC) movement, where this movement is heading, how current CIC software products meet the needs of today's...

The Impact of User Interfaces on CAD Systems
The generation of architectural layouts through knowledge-based techniques forms a notable focus in design research efforts. A significant aspect of this research centers upon the development...

Electronic Communication Between Project Participants
Fragmentation in the U.S. construction industry is perceived as one of the major contributors to reduced productivity. Lack of communication may be the main difficulty. Communication is...





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