Managing Urban Transportation with Limited Resources
The objectives of this symposium are to acquaint the profession with innovative practices for managing transportation resources during a time of fiscal constraint. The ideas and approaches...

Coastal Zone '83
Interdisciplinary information and viewpoints on coastal zone management and ocean resources issues related to use, protection, and development are presented. Topics include improved jurisdiction...

Introductory Manual on Computer Services
The role of computers in civil engineering is discussed including an overview of computer use, and comparisons of expectations, advantages, and shortcomings of computer use. Future technical...

EPCOT Center, perhaps the most elaborate and futuristic entertainment attraction in the world, is also a major achievement in such civil engineering-related disciplines as geotechnical,...

Forensic Engineering: What Role for ASCE?
Responding to heightened concern within and without the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE) about failures of engineered structures and other works, ASCE formed two commitees to...

Market Research and the Engineering Firm
In an age of volatile market changes and stiff competition, engineering firms need continuous market research, the author writes, leading to development of an effective marketing plan....

Are Engineers Happy People?
Job satisfaction for the professional engineer is discussed in relation to society's image of the engineer and the engineering profession. It is argued that society has a...

Is There a Bid for Services in Your Future?
Selection of architect/engineer firms based on price in addition to qualifications is apparently here to stay. Those in favor of competitive negotiation say that it prevents corruption,...

Frontiers in Hydraulic Engineering
These proceedings include approximately 140 papers presented in the ASCE Hydraulics Division Specialty Conference, August 1983, Cambridge, Mass. The principal aim of the conference was...

A Fare Demonstration in a Chicago Corridor
In response to various factors, a fare and transfer demonstration encompassing commuter rail and bus services in a major Chicago corridor was designed and implemented in early 1982. Experience...

Express Buses: Private Sector to the Rescue
Declining subsidies and rising costs are endangering express bus services which have been highly successful in competing with the private auto. A system concept with private carriers operating...

Transportation Brokerage in a Bi-State Area
Transportation brokerage is a coordinated management approach to meeting transportation consumer needs with existing transportation providers. In doing so, brokerage fosters increased...

Urban Highway Financing Mechanisms and Policies
This paper explores the urban transportation financing crisis, surveys existing State and local mechanisms for urban highway financing, explores emerging financing mechanisms, and addresses...

Managing Limited Transportation Resources in Pennsylvania's Department of Transportation
This paper will not describe systems, but rather a management approach which has proved successful in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. The following examples illustrate the...

Managing for the Eighties
In a period where fiscal constraints will mandate a new approach to managing limited financial resources, serious consideration must be given to developing new strategic policies relating...

Design of Port and Coastal Structures for Ice Forces
Design of ice-affected port and coastal structures cannot be addressed in a few single specific terms, but must instead account for a matrix of elements differing at each site. Evaluation...

River and Lake Ice Processes Relevant to Ice Loads
Ice effects on engineering structures in inland waters are more widespread than generally appreciated. Troublesome ice conditions can be expected regularly north of the 0 degree C January...

Map Uses, Scales and Accuracies for Engineering and Associated Purposes
This publication is designed to aid engineers and others in obtaining maps suitable for use in engineering and associated work. Such maps must have the proper contour interval, map scale,...

The Role of the Civil Engineer in Highway Safety
The papers included in this publication focus on the current state-of-the-art of highway safety and the civil engineer's role in confronting and solving highway safety problems....

Liability in Construction Management
The concept of professional construction management has emerged and developed over the past decade in response to pressures for faster and more economical project completions. This has...





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