The Santa Cruz Littoral Cell: Difficulties in Quantifying a Coastal Sediment Budget
Beach compartments or littoral cells form the framework for our understanding of the sources, transport, sinks, and storage of sand in the nearshore zone. In general, along the California...

Waenhuiskrans: Sediment Budget and Reactivation of a Sediment Pathway
Erosion of beaches due to historical dune stabilisation work carried out at Waenhuiskrans, a holiday village on the south-east coast of South Africa, prompted the need for the reactivation...

The Ebro Delta Project: A First Sediment Budget
In this paper, a sedimentary budget for the Ebro delta coast in the Western Mediterranean is presented. Calculations have been performed after one year of field campaign. The main result...

Recent Evolution and Potential Causal Mechanisms of Cedar Island, Virginia, 1852-1986
Shoreline mapping was used to reconstruct the historical shoreline evolution of Cedar Island, Virginia in an effort to clarify the debate on barrier island response to sea level rise --...

Use of Stable Isotopes, Tritium, Soluble Salts, and Redox-Sensitive Elements to Distinguish Ground Water from Irrigation Water in the Salton Sea Basin
Evaporative concentration of irrigation water diverted from the Colorado River to the Salton Sea basin for several decades has produced an overlying system (that includes drainwater and...

Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of some potential climate change effects such as sea level rise, changes in tropical cyclone intensity and frequency, and changes in precipitation and temperature...

Numerical Model Development for Oil Spill Dispersion into the Marine Environment
A 3-D oil spill model was developed to study the behaviour of heavy spilled oil in the sea. The model could describe the behaviour on the spilled oil on the sea surface, throughout the...

Seawater Delivery for Use in Aquaculture Development
Seawater is used extensively in industrial and aquacultural developments world wide, and aquaculture in particular requires large quantities of seawater. Development and design of facilities...

Coastal Watershed Unit Hydrographs and Methods
The results of a study to determine unit hydrograph peak rate factors for South Carolina coastal watersheds are summarized and compared with traditional values. An extension to the SCS...

The Enhancement of Air-Sea Gas Exchange by Oceanic Whitecapping
The hypothesis that oceanic whitecaps and the accompanying buoyant bubble plumes greatly enhance the air-sea transfer coefficient of gases subject to liquid phase control has recently...

Oceanic CO2 Uptake and Future Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
The global pattern of water column inventories of bomb-produced 14C suggests that an upwelling of bomb 14C-free...

Development of Marina Facilities on the Southern California Coast
The Southern California coastal region has developed recreational boating facilities through the use of existing bays, creation of new inland water areas and the construction of small...

Structural Investigation of Marina Del Rey Seawall
The Marina del Rey Seawall was constructed by various contractors between 1959 and 1961. It is composed of 660 panels totaling 39,600 linear feet. The seawall configuration is a type normally...

Full Use of Waterfront in Wakayama Marina City
At Wakanoura Bay, in the center of Wakayama Shimotsu Port, Wakayama Marina City Project has been under construction. This project is expected to play a leading role in the development...

Baia dei Gabbiani (Seagull Bay) Marina in Marano Lagoon, North Adriatic Sea
In Northern Adriatic Sea between Venice and Triest, a new Marina, designed by the Author, has been built. In it 281 boats, with L.O.A. varying from 10 m to 25 m, are moored in the harbor...

Predictive Techniques for Marina Water Quality Assessment
The construction of new marinas in coastal areas requires as assessment of potential impacts on water quality as a part of the permit process. This paper summarizes a study sponsored by...

Predicting Sedimentation in Shallow Draft Coastal Ports
The U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station is conducting a study to develop and improve design guidance for shallow draft coastal ports. As part of this effort and to fill gaps...

Prospectus for Marinas 2000
This paper is an outline presentation of the method of achieving a proposed specialty workshop on marina planning, design, and construction for the Twenty-First Century by the Waterway,...

Conflicts Between Pleasure Boats and Fishing Boats at Marinas in Japan
At present, some half of the marinas operating in Japan have conflicts of various kinds relating to the navigation of pleasure boats. This study discusses the findings of a study on 365...

The Design & Construction of Marina Martinique, S. Africa
Marina Martinique is a coastal residential marina in the eastern Cape Province of South Africa which will ultimately accommodate 730 moorings and 1100 low rise residential units, most...





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