Differential Gravitional Forces on Large Space Structures
Effects of the differential gravitational forces have been investigated simultaneously on the orbital motion, attitude motion, and axial deformation of a very large axially flexible space...

Thermal Effects on Large Space Structures with Fixed Attitude
Radiation thermal effects are studied simultaneously on the orbital motion and axial deformation of a very large axially flexible space structure executing planar pitch motion around the...

Robotic Space Construction
This paper touches briefly on some of the highlights of Langley's work in automated space construction. It shows that space trusses similar to those likely to be used on the...

Robotic Influence in the Conceptual Design of Mechanical Systems in Space and Vice Versa: A Survey
A survey is presented of the methods of constructing structural elements in space by the application of robotic devices. Two fundamentally different approaches to the solution of robotic...

Simulator for Telerobotic Assembly, Maintenance and Repair of Large Space Structures
A first approximation level computer simulator for telerobotic assembly of large space structures is described. Approach, methodology and initial results are presented. An example based...

An Overview of the Ease/Access Space Construction Demonstration
With the successful completion of the EASE/ACCESS demonstration, NASA took a significant step toward understanding construction in space. These experiments were performed on November 29...

Space Truss Construction Studies
The ACCESS Shuttle Flight Experiment, designed to evaluate EVA for on-orbit assembly of erectable truss structure, is reviewed and principal results are summarized. In addition, two on-going...

Space Artificial Gravity Facilities: An Approach to Their Construction
In the course of adaptation to a space microgravity environment, humans experience cardiovascular deconditioning, loss of muscle mass, and loss of bone minerals. One possible solution...

Adaptable Crew Facilities for Future Space Modules
This paper discusses life-size studies recently carried out on advanced crew accommodation features for future space module utilization. The studies are based on exploratory designs for...

Planar Space Structures
This paper describes a construction system which has a number of practical advantages for the development of space structures. It uses relatively thin materials folded into interpenetrated...

The Planar Truss - An Active Control Test Bed
The authors have developed a laboratory planar truss and structural dynamic models which correlate well. The inherent fraction critical damping (? = .004 for the first mode) is very low...

The Role of a Mobile Transporter in Large Space Structures Assembly and Maintenance
Large space structures require a vehicle to support assembly, operations, and maintenance. These vehicles may be designed for specific tasks or for general use throughout the life of the...

Logistics Support of Space Facilities
The logistic support of space facilities is described, with especial attention given to the problem of sizing the inventory of ready spares kept at the space facility. Where possible,...

Preliminary Analysis of Fire Suppression Methods for the Space Station
The choice of a fire suppression system for the space station remains open. Several alternatives have been suggested, each with particular advantages and disadvantages. The problem is...

Survey of Soviet Space Welding Technology Development
Soviet engineers clearly recognize the potential value of welding for maintenance, repair, and fabrication of structures in space. The development of this technology has followed a steady...

Evaluation of Methods for Recovering Crew Members and Equipment Adrift from the Space Station
Among the most frequent industrial accidents are those involving falling workers or dropped equipment. There is no reason to believe that such accidents will not occur in space. (In fact,...

The Role of Welding in Space Maintenance and Repair
The nature of future space missions will result in increased incidence of degradation, damage, and wear of critical or expensive hardware. In many terrestrial applications welding provides...

The Second Generation Space Station
Several aspects of optimizing space operations have been examined to identify key components in establishing a more efficient space infrastructure. A second generation space station situated...

Pacific Space Port
The concept of the Pacific Space Center advocated by Mr. Tetuso Kondo (member of the House of Representatives, former Director General of the Economic Planning Agency) and Dr. Tatsuo Yamanaka...

Antarctic Research and Lunar Exploration: Useful Parallels
Review of the process of scientific exploration in the Antarctic may provide insights into areas that might pose problems to man when further exploration of the lunar surface is begun....





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