Modeling of Wetland Hydrodynamics and Transport in Coastal Louisiana
Modeling of hydraulics and transport of large wetland systems poses critical decisions between resolution of the complex geometry of a wetland and the testing required to meet study goals....
Bridge Scour Research Needs
This paper presents a summary of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) priority research emphasis on bridge scour, sedimentation, and stream stability problems. The most persistent...
Management and Institutional Considerations in Selecting Appropriate Technologies in Water Supply and Sanitation
Rural water supply and sanitation systems in developing countries have had an unacceptably high rate of failure or reduced use. Development planners have not sufficiently considered the...
Appropriate Technology in Infrastructure Development and Management
Infrastructure management principles apply to appropriate technologies used for hydraulic structures. However, some of the principles are more culturally sensitive than others, mainly...
Education, Research and Training for Appropriate Technology
Much has been written about appropriate technology (AT) and how to accomplish it. This paper adds to that literature with specific ideas for education, training and research programs and...
Appropriate Technology in Hydraulic Engineering
Appropriate, and successful, technology transfer is contingent upon the simple dictum: technology transfer is context dependent and context specific. Optimum success in the transfer of...
Design of High Capacity Spillways for Ritschard Dam, Colorado
A hydraulic model investigation was conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation to assist in designing the hydraulic structures associated with Ritschard Dam. Ritschard Dam will have a labyrinth...
Issues and Challenges Facing the Effective Delivery of Scientific Visualization
The availability of economical hardware and software products for scientific visualization has stimulated implementation of scientific visualization within high performance computing environments....
A Modular Visual Interface for Computational Fluids Forecasting
A forecasting system is under development for predicting the three-dimensional physical features (e.g. velocity, temperature etc.) of large water bodies. Visualization and interface development...
Introduction, and Analysis of Survey?Preliminary Report of Task Committee on Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics
To help formulate its recommendations for future standardization of tasks in hydraulic engineering, the Task Committee conducted a survey of practicing engineers. This survey indicated...
Existing U.S. Standards in Hydraulic Engineering
The Task Committee on Recommendations for Standards in Hydraulics confined itself to topics that are used in hydraulic computations or design. Thus numerous standards related to size,...
Foreign Hydraulic Standards and Guidelines
Standardization in Europe is propelled by the incentive to achieve harmonization of design, testing, inspection and certification methods for an internal market among eighteen European...
Preliminary Recommendations from the Task Committee on Standards in Hydraulics
The Task Committee on Standards in Hydraulics has been given the responsibility of recommending whether or not the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) should formulate standards...
Environmental and Hydraulic Considerations in the Design of a Circulating Water Cooling System
Environmental considerations play an important part in the design of a condenser cooling system. A once-through system may require assessment of a combination of events to determine the...
Set-Down in a Tidal Embayment
A mean water level in tidal bays and estuaries that is higher than the ocean mean water level (set-up) is a fairly common occurrence. Set-down of the mean water level can be shown to be...
Model Study of an Intake Structure
To increase the delivery capacity of an existing gravity-feed water supply pipeline in Orange County, California, modification of the existing structure and placement of a booster pumping...
Physical Model of a Floating Trash Boom to Control Aquatic Weeds at the TVA Widows Creek Fossil Plant
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Widows Creek Fossil Plant seasonally encounters adverse accumulations of aquatic weeds at the intakes of the condenser cooling water pumps. To reduce...
Application of a Generalized Risk Dynamic Model to a Spillway Design Flood
Risk analysis can provide a logical basis for selecting the optimal design capacity of a flow conveyance hydraulic structure for the least total cost or specified non-exceeding risk levels....
Sediment Modeling of Dam Removal Alternatives, Elwha River, Washington
The new version of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) 1-Dimensional sediment transport model, HEC-6 'Scour and Deposition in Rivers and Reservoirs', was...
Data Acquisition Systems for IBM Compatible System
Portable data acquisition systems composed of IBM compatible PC/XT/AT computers and analog to digital conversion cards can be configured with relative ease. These systems have the flexibility...
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