Willamette River Adjustments to New Spur Dikes
Severe bank erosion has caused recent local losses of up to 30 ft (9 m) per year of prime agricultural land along a half-mile (800 m) reach of the Willamette River, Oregon. The U. S. Army...

Design Accuracy of Stormwater Detention Basins
While the stormwater detention basin is the most frequently used method for controlling runoff from developing areas in the United States, there appears to be no statement of the probable...

Evaluation of Two-Stage Outlet Hydraulics
A two-stage detention basin is an effective storm water management tool. This type of basin is designed to control two storm events and it will tend to perform better than a single-stage...

Detention Pond Outlet Design for Pollution Control
Stormwater runoff detention ponds were originally developed for the control of flooding and the designs of the outlet control structure must be modified to obtain pollution control objectives....

Discharge Characteristics of Labyrinth Weirs
The hydraulic performance of labyrinth weirs is developed from data obtained from flume studies and site specific models. Using dimensional analysis, an equation for the discharge is developed...

Pipe Spillway Plunge Pool Design Equations
An equation is given to determine if scour holes will beach and widen excessively. For nonbeaching scour holes, dimensionless equations are given for the progression of scour with time...

Riprap Sizing-Four Methods
A comparison summary is provided for sizing of riprap by four methods: Isbash, Froude, Tractive Force - Logarithmic Velocity Profile (TFL), and Tractive Force - Power Velocity Profile...

Adjustable Speed Pumping for Irrigation Networks
Adjustable speed technology can be an economically viable method of accommodating the significant fluctuations in flow and pressure produced by certain irrigation networks. Combinations...

Avoiding Cavitation Damage to Hydraulic Structures
Cavitation damage often may be avoided by not allowing cavities to form. Where boundaries are not deeply submerged, their shape must be exactly correct, irregularities must be very small,...

Aeration is the Solution for Sluice Cavitation Damage at Libby Dam, Montana
Cavitation has severely damaged two of the high-head flood control sluices. The damaged areas were immediately patched; however, these patches were not considered a solution to the problem....

Laboratory Studies of Cavitation in Corps of Engineers Hydraulic Structures
A selected bibliography of significant hydraulic laboratory research efforts by the U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to identify the likelihood of and means of preventing...

Information Retrieval Sources and Availability in Hydraulics
There is a very general unawareness of information available on hydraulic studies, application of these studies and import for other projects, and results of new project design methods....

Fisheries Engineering Program at Washington State University
Problems associated with the interrelationships of instream hydraulic structures, and migratory and resident fish, are in need of better analysis and design. This improvement can be realized...

Fishways--Historical Assessment of Design Practice
Fishway design has evolved over the years in a conservative fashion. Research has led to the development of some innovative structures, but costs and water usage have been high. Conservative...

Small Scale Hydropower Design Optimization
A method is presented by which the hydraulic design of small hydropower facilities can be economically optimized and then tested for sensitivity to variations in hydrologic prediction....

Bureau of Reclamation Hydraulic Laboratory
The Bureau of Reclamation used hydraulic models for the first time in 1930 in the laboratory of the Colorado Agriculture Experimental Station in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 1946 the Reclamation...

Plastic and Other Limit State Methods for Design Evaluation
These proceedings consist of seven papers dealing with the topic of the design of complex structures using limit state methods. The emphasis is on the role of plastic or limit load techniques....

Pipeline Materials and Design
The proper use of pipeline materials and design is obviously paramount in the private and public works sectors. The introduction and proper use of new piping materials and design procedures...

Design and Operation of Pipeline Control Systems
More and more of the time of the engineer involved in the design and construction of a pipeline project is devoted to problems relating to the control systems to operate and monitor the...

Computer Aided Design in Civil Engineering
Increased application of computer aided design and drafting encouraged the organization of the symposium from which this book was derived. The papers presented at the symposium and included...





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