The Washington Public Shore Guide: Spotlight on Public Information
The development of the Washington Public Shore Guide: Marine Waters is traced from its early conception through publication in May of 1986 to the preparation of a supplement late in 1986....

Estuarine Quality Use and Public Perception
Coastal environmental quality is determined on the basis of a relatively small number of biochemical and physical parameters which may bear little relation to the intended use of the water....

Waste Disposal in Coastal Waters
The increasing concentration of population and industry on coastal areas, is making greater demands for coastal disposal. However, the coastal waters are also used for recreation, and...

Marina Planning with Geographic Information Systems
Water dependent coastal land uses including recreational boating facilities are being displaces by water enhanced uses. Coastal policy decisions designed to address these trends suffer...

Artificial Beach Design, Lake Forest, Illinois
A system of beaches and offshore breakwaters was designed to protect eroding bluffs along the shoreline of the City of Lake Forest. The beach system consists of sand fill contained by...

Beach Stabilization Design
There is a need for aesthetically pleasing and environmentally satisfactory solutions for protecting, renovating and restoring eroding semi-protected coastal beaches such as those found...

Marine Multi-Purpose Zone Project
Since most of the big cities in Japan locate near seacoast, the sea has been playing great role in their developments. It is necessary to make a good quality of public stock, coping with...

Harbor Rehabilitation and Recreational Development in Racine, Wisconsin
With a growing realization that the Racine waterfront was underutilized, Downtown Racine Development Corporation (DRDC) in concert with City and County officials directed its attention...

Redevelopment of a Commercial Fishing Harbor: A Tale of Three Cities (abstract()
The paper referred to in this abstract forms a trilogy of the author's presentation at previous Coastal Zone Symposium at which he traced the development of two small fishing...

Effects of Toxic Chemical Perceptions on Fishing Behavior
This study investigates: 1) whether angler's who perceive toxic chemicals in the water fish any differently than those who do not, and 2) do these behavioral differences have...

Resolving Fisheries Conflicts in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Coast Conservation Act appears to be the strongest piece of legislation governing the use of coastal resources among their world countries. The implementation...

Community Based Marine Reserves, a Philippine First
This paper describes the Marine Conservation and Development Program (MCDP) of Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines. MCDP was a two-year project designed to enable three local communities...

Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle West Point Beach Restoration
There are many ways to manipulate shorelines to prevent erosion. Such efforts often reduce the usable habitat and recreational area associated with the beach. Construction of a natural...

The Nushagak-Mulchatna Rivers Recreation Study
The Nushagak/Mulchatna River drainage was one of two geographical areas identified in the Bristol Bay Coastal Management Program as meeting the criteria for placing a specific area under...

The Great Highway Coverup
Public opinion has forced changes in highway design since the first ones were built 30 years ago. In the Seattle area, this environmental sensitivity led to federal court action and to...

Oil and Fisheries?Conflict or Cooperation
The Grand Banks of Newfoundland are one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. The proposed Hibernia oil field development will impact on this resource. Recommendations have been...

Space/Use Conflicts Between the Oil & Gas and Fishing Industries
An overview of space/use conflicts between the oil and gas and commercial fishing industries is presented. Also discussed is an array of solutions to mitigate or eliminate those conflicts....

Perceiving Toxic Chemicals in Fishing Environments
The perception of toxic chemicals in the fishing environments by anglers was examined in Kansas and Michigan. The main findings of the study were: 1) There appears to be a small, but significant...

Renewing a Federal/State Partnership Under the CZMA
The case of Exxon v. Fischer has established an ominous precedent for the authority of states to resolve oil and fishing industry conflicts. In a narrow interpretation of the Coastal Zone...

Co-Existence of Oil and Commercial Fishing Industries: Methods of Resolving Potential Conflicts
This paper describes efforts to resolve potential operational conflicts between the oil and fishing industries in Alaska, specifically, the formation and activities of an organization...





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