ARES: an Accident Report Entry System for Local Agencies
The ARES microcomputer workstation system permits local police and engineering agencies to enter their own Michigan traffic accident reports from the statewide standard Form UD-10. The...

More Effective Accident Records Systems Using Natural Language Processing
The paper identifies three problems associated with state Accident Records Systems: quality control of data input, inconsistencies among data files, and poor accessibility. The paper discusses...

Guidelines for Micro-CADD Implementation - How You Can Do it Right the First Time
This paper discusses methods found to be useful in applying selected lower cost microcomputer-CADD systems in the civil engineering environment CAD is defined as Computer Aided Drafting...

California DOT CADD
Starting in 1983 the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) embarked on a project to incorporate current computer technology into the project development process. Today the...

A Microcomputer Program for Roadway Lighting Design
LUMSIM is a knowledge-based design program that uses operator input data and design criteria to select the most economical lighting system. The initial input parameters include pavement...

Problem Identification Phase in Transportation System Management
This paper describes a diagnostic management tool - procedure PITS (Problem Identification in Transportation Systems) which classifies and priorities groups of the deficiencies, thus facilitating...

DELVACS: A Computer Program for Performance Evaluation of Low Volume Coordinated Semi-Actuated Systems
This paper presents a computer program which provides a tool for making choices between coordinated and free operation on an arterial roadway under semi-actuated control. The decision...

Computer Control of Tunnel Systems
An active Tunnel Surveillance and Control System (TSCS) is generally indicated for long highway tunnels. The TSCS uses a computer system, detection devices and a communication system to...

Knowledge Based Expert Systems for Post-Incident Freeway Traffic Control
A knowledge based expert system for rerouting traffic upstream of an accident or other capacity-reducing incident on a freeway network is developed and compared with results obtained using...

Microprocessor-Based Motorist Aid Systems
Motorist aid systems (MAS's) currently being built under a state legislated program in California are fully exploiting the benefits of microprocessor technology. This technology...

Integrating Roadway Data in a Corporate Database
For road and highway management it is becoming increasingly important to integrate data such as: traffic, accidents, geometrics, pavement condition, maintenance and construction history....

A Graphical Database for Transportation Systems
A graphical database composed of programmable objects analogous to elements of a physical plant of a transportation network is presented. The discussion reviews the application of a graphical...

U.S. Geological Survey DLG-3 and Bureau of the Census TIGER Data: Development and GIS Applications
The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively developing digital cartographic and geographic data and standards since the early 1970's. One product is Digital Line Graph data, which offer...

Census Data Available for Transportation Planners
In 1981 the U.S. Bureau of the Census set a goal to automate the full range of cartographic and geographic processes in time to serve the data collection, tabulation, and dissemination...

A Computerized Hazardous Material Incidents Database
This paper reports on the development of a microcomputer database management system for hazardous material incidents that occurred on highways and at fixed sites in Arizona. The objective...

Planning and Budgeting Pavement Marking Installation Using Microcomputer
This paper presents a microcomputer based Pavement Marking Management Information System (PM-MIS) software suitable for processing pavement marking data. The software has the capability...

Microcomputer Based Traffic Signal Inventory Records
This paper describes microcomputer software used by District 12 of the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation to provide for a constantly updated inventory of traffic...

A Microcomputer Aided Bridge Management System
This paper presents a microcomputer based software system suitable for a local agency which will permit a local bridge system to be systematically evaluated with the use of a bridge management...

Database Network for Innovative Maintenance Operations
This paper provides a summary of the main documentation supporting users of the MAINeT Highway Maintenance Innovations Network. More specifically, the paper explains how to: - find, review,...

Interfacing Pavement Management and Design Process
Pavement management systems coordinate all the activities required to provide pavements for the traveling public in a cost efficient manner. Information for the pavement management system...





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