A Microcomputer Program for Roadway Lighting Design

by L. Ellis King, Univ of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States,
Johnny R. Graham, Univ of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States,

Document Type: Proceeding Paper

Part of: Microcomputer Applications in Transportation III


LUMSIM is a knowledge-based design program that uses operator input data and design criteria to select the most economical lighting system. The initial input parameters include pavement type, lamp/luminaire candlepower array, geometry of the lighting system, and roadway classification. The program uses formulas and procedures given in the Standard Practice to calculate illuminance, luminance, and glare at uniformly-spaced test points between two adjacent luminaires. Average values and various ratios are then compared to the design criteria. Using an iterative procedure the calculated values for overhang, mounting height, and spacing are incrementally adjusted until a maximum spacing is reached that meets the design criteria. The program output includes the final design values for spacing, mounting height, and overhang. Additional aspects of the subject are discussed.

Subject Headings: Light (artificial) | Highway and road design | Computer aided design | Expert systems | Computer software | Artificial intelligence (AI) | Spacing

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